News From Around the World
The Mask Mandates Did Nothing.
New York Times, Bret Stephens, 21/02/2023
The most rigorous and comprehensive analysis of scientific studies conducted on the efficacy of masks for reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses — including Covid-19 — was published late last month. Its conclusions, said Tom Jefferson, the Oxford epidemiologist who is its lead author, were unambiguous.
“There is just no evidence that they” — masks — “make any difference,” he told the journalist Maryanne Demasi. “Full stop.”
Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death, study finds
Feb. 16, 2023, By Akshay Syal, M.D.
Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness, according to research published Thursday in The Lancet — protection, experts say, that’s on par with what’s provided through two doses of an mRNA vaccine.
Infection-acquired immunity cut the risk of hospitalization and death from a Covid reinfection by 88% for at least 10 months, the study found.
Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021
JAMA Netwrok, January 25, 2022
Based on passive surveillance reporting in the US, the risk of myocarditis after receiving mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines was increased across multiple age and sex strata and was highest after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males and young men.
Stunning new data pulled from the Medicare database shows how each shot increases your risk of death
Steve Kirsch, Feb 9
Shot #1 increases your risk of death by around 20% with an exponential time constant of around 150 days.
Shot #2 increases your risk of death by an additional 20% with a time constant of around 100 days.
Shot #3 increases your risk of death by an additional 10% with a time constant of around 50 days.
The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State
Dr. Joseph Mercola February 5, 2023
Doctors Were Bullied Into Not Writing Medical Exemptions
Despite a number of efforts, the university refused to engage in a debate, and instead put the mandatory COVID jab policy in place. As students started to be steamrolled, many reached out to him for help. They’d day things like, “I’m not a religious person, and so, in good conscience, I don’t want to submit a dishonest religious exemption, but I have other moral or ethical concerns about this vaccine.”
Thai Princess in a Coma Following Pfizer Jabs Could Prompt Nation to Nullify “Vaccine” Agreement
J.D. Rucker • Feb. 5, 2023
The bombshell that’s been waiting to happen might finally be here. Admittedly, I sat on this story for a few days to confirm, but now I am confident that there is a legitimate chance Thailand will go after Pfizer after their jabs caused Princess Bajrakitiyabha to go into a coma.
The story has been hard to follow because news has been scant. She collapse in December shortly after getting jabbed. Of course, it was reported that she had a heart condition but no mentions were made about the jabs. The only updates came on January 7 and 8 declaring that she was still in a coma. Since then, nothing has been reported by corporate media.
Post COVID-19, still wear a face mask? Self-perceived facial attractiveness reduces mask-wearing intention
Department of Psychology, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea 23/01/23
Studies 1 and 2 demonstrated that individuals with high (vs. low) self-perceived attractiveness were less willing to wear a mask, due to a weaker endorsement of the belief that mask-wearing enhances their perceived attractiveness (i.e., mask attractiveness belief). Study 3 further revealed that this mediational association was stronger in situations where the need to deliver a favorable impression was high (job interview context) versus low (walking a dog context)
Massive spike in excess deaths sparks calls for an 'urgent investigation': NHS crisis is blamed for nearly 3,000 more Brits than usual dying each week
Daily Mail, 24/01/23
MPs have called for an urgent investigation into Britain's soaring death rates as thousands more people than usual are dying each week.
Some 17,381 deaths were registered in England and Wales in the seven days to January 13 – 2,837 above average for the time of year.
This is the highest number of excess deaths since 3,429 in the week to February 12, 2021, when the UK was experiencing its second wave of Covid-19 infections and vaccination had only just begun.
Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses
30/01/23 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
The pooled results of RCTs did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks. There were no clear differences between the use of medical/surgical masks compared with N95/P2 respirators in healthcare workers when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral infection.
Covid is no longer mainly a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Here’s why.
WaPo November 23, 2022
For the first time, a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.
Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted, according to an analysis conducted for The Health 202 by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Scientist who worked at Wuhan lab says COVID was man-made virus
New York Post By Isabel Vincent December 3, 2022
A scientist who worked at a controversial research lab in China has claimed that COVID was a man-made virus that leaked from the facility, according to a report.
Andrew Huff, who worked for a New York-based non-profit that studied viruses, said COVID leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China two-plus years ago and blamed authorities for the “biggest US intelligence failure since 9/11,” Britain’s The Sun reported Saturday.
Not Even N95 Masks Work To Stop Covid
BY Ian Miller DECEMBER 1, 2022
The Annals of Internal Medicine just published a randomized controlled trial comparing the ability of medical masks to prevent COVID infection to fit-tested N95s.
Yet none of that mattered; there was no difference in outcomes between the medical and N95 level masks
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Turns Negative Within Months: Study
Zachary Stieber, Epoch Times, October 10, 2022
The effectiveness of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine against infection turns negative over time, according to a new study that was funded by the vaccine maker.
The effectiveness of three doses—a primary series and a booster—against infection remained above 50 percent after 150 days against BA.1, a subvariant of the Omicron virus variant, researchers estimated.
However, against more recent strains, including the currently dominant BA.5, the effectiveness turned negative. Against BA.2, BA.4, and BA.5, the effectiveness went negative after 150 days; against BA.1.12.1, the effectiveness turned negative after 91 days.
Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna
Riccardo Benzi Cipelli,
In the present study we analyzed with a dark-field optical microscope the peripheral blood drop from 1,006 symptomatic subjects after inoculation with an mRNA injection (Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna), starting from March 2021. There were 948 subjects (94% of the total sample) whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation. In 12 subjects, blood was examined with the same method before vaccination, showing a perfectly normal hematological distribution. The alterations found after the inoculation of the mRNA injections further reinforce the suspicion that the modifications were due to the so-called “vaccines” themselves.
The mRNA Covid vaccines are killing people, plain and simple.
Alex Berenson,Oct 5, 2022
Best guess, they lead to about a 10% rise in non-Covid mortality and no reduction in Omicron deaths.
This is Australian data, very clean because AUS had ~no Covid before vaccines; deaths are 17% above normal in 2022.
The rise in deaths is higher and lasts longer after the third shot. The dose makes the poison, and artificially modified mRNA (in an LNP shell) doesn’t seem to be a product humans tolerate well with repeated exposure.
Pfizer Exec Admits Under Oath: 'We Never Tested COVID Vaccine Against Transmission'
A senior Pfizer executive has admitted under oath that the company never tested their Covid “vaccine” to see if it prevented transmission...
As Jack Phillips reports via The Epoch Times, member of the European Parliament, Rob Roos, asked during a session:
“Was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? Did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market?”
Pfizer’s Janine Small, president of international developed markets, said in response:
“No … You know, we had to … really move at the speed of science to know what is taking place in the market.”
Florida Surgeon General: Covid mRNA vaccine found to cause 84% increase in DEATH for men ages 18-39
October 9, 2022, The Post Millennial
Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo on Friday release the state's analysis of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, revealing an 84 percent "increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39." Florida "will not be silent on the truth," he said.
The guidance "recommends against the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for males ages 18-39 years old." In a statement, Ladapo said that "Studying the safety and efficacy of any medications, including vaccines, is an important component of public health. Far less attention has been paid to safety and the concerns of many individuals have been dismissed – these are important findings that should be communicated to Floridians."
The Trail of Blood From the COVID Jabs
Dr. Joseph Mercola, October 11, 2022
Abnormal blood clotting was one of the first mysterious health effects to emerge in the COVID pandemic, first, as an effect of the natural infection, and later, as a side effect of the COVID jabs. By mid-March 2021, 20 countries had suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s COVID shot, either in full or in part, following reports of deadly blood clots
In December 2021, a team of international scientists detailed the mechanism behind the AstraZeneca jab’s propensity to trigger blood clots. The shell of the vector — a weakened chimpanzee cold virus — in some people acts like a magnet and attracts platelets. Your body mistakes these platelets as a threat and produces antibodies to fight them, resulting in dangerous blood clots
Dr. Paul Offit Turns Against the FDA!
Truth613, September 21, 2022
Dr. Offit is now an anti-vaxxer. He tells people to WAIT and NOT get the new boosters because the only information available on them is MOUSE data.
Dr. Paul Offit has been one of the biggest promoters of standard vaccines, and of the covid shots. He is the Director of the Vaccine Education Center at CHOP and is on the FDA’s 21-member vaccine advisory committee. He wrote books against anti-vaxxers, such as his 2010 “Deadly Choices: How the Anti Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All.”
We have clearly established Dr. Offit’s former pro vax credentials beyond a doubt.
Yet, on the NBC Philadelphia interview below, watch Dr. Offit telling the public that:
•No one should ever get a shot based only on mouse data.
•The FDA did not consult him and the other members of the FDA advisory committee before authorizing the bivalent shots.
•The FDA is not being transparent with the public.
Vigil held for Canadian woman who died at a pharmacy minutes after getting COVID booster
Mon Sep 26, 2022, LifeSite
SASKATOON, Saskatchewan (LifeSiteNews) – A large crowd gathered over the weekend to mourn the death of Carol Pearce, a Canadian woman whose family said she died on September 14 after getting a COVID booster.
The vigil was held outside the Saskatoon Shoppers Drug Mart where Pearce received her COVID booster before dropping dead to the floor.
Is The End Of COVID-19 In Sight?
Tyler Durden, Friday, Sep 16, 2022
Delivering his most upbeat message since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, said that the end of the pandemic was finally near.
“We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic. We are not there yet, but the end is in sight,” he said at a media briefing on Wednesday.
Using the image of a marathon runner approaching the finish line, Dr. Tedros warned against complacency, however, saying that “a marathon runner does not stop when the finish line comes into view. She runs harder, with all the energy she has left.”
Statista's Felix Richter notes that while the world is still seeing millions of new Covid-19 cases per week, with the real number probably even higher due to limited testing, those infections are no longer resulting in as many severe cases or deaths as we’ve seen in earlier stages of the pandemic
Do boosters save people from getting very sick with Covid? New data from Britain say the opposite.
Alex Berenson
Sep 7
Newly mRNA boosted adults aged 40-74 are now TWICE as likely to be hospitalized for Covid as those who haven't recently been boosted, a new British government report shows.
Vaccine advocates endlessly claim that though mRNA shots fail against Omicron infection in weeks, they still miraculously prevent Covid from becoming a serious illness that could require hospitalization.
These figures, which cover hospitalizations in June, suggest otherwise.
‘Unethical’ and up to 98 Times Worse Than the Disease: Top Scientists Publish Paradigm-Shifting Study About COVID-19 Vaccines
Jennifer Margulis and Joe Wang, EPOCH TIME, September 10, 2022
A team of nine experts from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and other top universities has published paradigm-shifting research about the efficacy and safety of the COVID-19 vaccines and why mandating vaccines for college students is unethical.
This 50-page study, which was published on The Social Science Research Network at the end of August, analyzed CDC and industry-sponsored data on vaccine adverse events, and concluded that mandates for COVID-19 boosters for young people may cause 18 to 98 actual serious adverse events for each COVID-19 infection-related hospitalization theoretically prevented.
Hundreds Of Doctors From Around The World Declare COVID-19 Jabs An International Medical Crisis [VIDEO]
By Jeremy Porter
September 12, 2022
Without hesitation, both Pfizer and Moderna rolled out their versions of the drug, making billions in profit. As many might have noticed, while pharmaceutical companies make billions, the COVID-19 virus still spreads, and now harmful side effects are being reported from people who took the plunge.
While there have been numerous experts and doctors to come forward, warning about the dangers of the COVID-19 drug, the Biden administration continues to promote it as one of the best ways to stay protected. The White House is even asking for more funding for testing and research. But recently, 400 doctors stepped forward, declaring that the COVID-19 drug was a medical crisis. The hundreds of doctors also demanded that the programs surrounding the supposed vaccine stop immediately.
Ivermectin reduces COVID death risk by 92%, peer-reviewed study finds
Paul Sacca
September 03, 2022
A new peer-reviewed study found that regular use of ivermectin reduced the risk of dying from COVID-19 by 92%.
The large study was conducted by Flávio A. Cadegiani, MD, MSc, PhD. Cadegiani is a board-certified endocrinologist with a master's degree and doctorate degree in clinical endocrinology.
The peer-reviewed study was published on Wednesday by the online medical journal Cureus. The study was conducted on a strictly controlled population of 88,012 people from the city of Itajaí in Brazil.
Is The End Of COVID-19 In Sight?
Tyler Durden, Friday, Sep 16, 2022
Delivering his most upbeat message since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, said that the end of the pandemic was finally near.
“We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic. We are not there yet, but the end is in sight,” he said at a media briefing on Wednesday.
Using the image of a marathon runner approaching the finish line, Dr. Tedros warned against complacency, however, saying that “a marathon runner does not stop when the finish line comes into view. She runs harder, with all the energy she has left.”
Statista's Felix Richter notes that while the world is still seeing millions of new Covid-19 cases per week, with the real number probably even higher due to limited testing, those infections are no longer resulting in as many severe cases or deaths as we’ve seen in earlier stages of the pandemic.
Vigil held for Canadian woman who died at a pharmacy minutes after getting COVID booster
Mon Sep 26, 2022, LifeSite
SASKATOON, Saskatchewan (LifeSiteNews) – A large crowd gathered over the weekend to mourn the death of Carol Pearce, a Canadian woman whose family said she died on September 14 after getting a COVID booster.
The vigil was held outside the Saskatoon Shoppers Drug Mart where Pearce received her COVID booster before dropping dead to the floor.
Evidence of Risk, Harms Mount as FDA Forces New Covid Booster Without Human Testing
September 1, 2022
By Jefferey Jaxen
The Boosters are Coming! The Boosters are Coming!
You could probably see it coming from a mile away. Throughout the pandemic response, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has become increasingly reckless rubber stamping Covid shots into circulation. At the start of the FDA’s vaccine vetting process, the agency promised transparency....
There is reassurance however as the new technology loaded with new Covid strains were tested on a whooping 8 mice according to publicly available data. FDA head Peter Marks, in a short two minute clipped interview with Time lauding the new shot, used versions the word ‘hope’ five times when describing the expected performance of the shot.
The FDA’s own press release is equally evangelical in their religious faith in [lack of] science stating:
“Based on the data supporting each of these authorizations, the bivalent COVID-19 vaccines are expected to provide increased protection against the currently circulating omicron variant.”
Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up
Steven Kirsch, September 2, 2022
The key facts in a nutshell:
The Israeli health authority knew the vaccines were harming people: the side effects of the vaccine are neither mild nor short term. In fact, in 65% of the neurological cases that mentioned duration, the symptoms are all on-going.
They also established causality: the side effects were caused by the vaccine. This is something no one else had been able to establish before.
- They don’t know how serious the harm is because they only looked at the data for the top five categories. Cardiovascular was #6. So they have only looked at a fraction of the data.
- The researchers do not know the prevalence of these serious side effects because they were just provided with the numerator, not the denominator (similar to VAERS).
- The Israeli authorities deliberately covered up the safety issues and hid it from the world, issuing a false report essentially saying “there is nothing new to see here folks, move along.”
No Evidence Anyone Should Get COVID-19 Vaccines, UK Mathematician Says
By Newzspy, September 2, 2022
No Evidence Anyone Should Get COVID-19 Vaccines, UK Mathematician Says Amid Autumn Booster Rollout
There is no longer evidence that suggests anyone should get the COVID-19 vaccines, a British mathematician said as the UK government rolls out another booster campaign ahead of the winter season.
Norman Fenton, professor of risk and information management at the Queen Mary University of London and director of risk assessment software company Agena, told The Epoch Times he used to believe that people at risk of serious illnesses and death from COVID-19 can benefit from the vaccines, but no longer sees “any evidence at all that anybody should get vaccinated” based on more recent data.
Report: 44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs For Expectant Mothers Anyway
Debra Heine
August 16, 2022
More than 40 percent of pregnant women who participated in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine trial suffered miscarriages, according internal Pfizer documents, recently released under court order. Despite this, Pfizer, and the Biden administration insisted that the vaccines were safe for pregnant women. Out of 50 pregnant women, 22 of them lost their babies, according to an analysis of the documents.
In a January court ruling, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman of the Northern District of Texas, ordered the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to release around 12,000 documents immediately, and then 55,000 pages a month until all documents were released, totaling more than 300,000 pages.
CDC Admits Scary Truths About Vaccine
Truth Press, Auguus 11, 2022
A spokesperson for the CDC said that they are revising several Information of Freedom Acts (FOIA) and issuing corrections for information it previously claimed was being observed “by the most intense safety monitoring efforts in U.S. history.”
However, the CDC said that their team did not conduct any reports through October 2021, admitting that “an association between myocarditis and mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was not known at that time.”
By now it is apparent that the CDC withheld information to prevent vaccine hesitancy.
Thailand study of young adults post jab showed nearly 30% with cardiovascular injuries
Steve Kirsch, August 15, 2022
A new study on cardiovascular impacts of the COVID vaccines done in Thailand is particularly troubling: 29% of the young adults experience non-trivial changes in their cardiac biomarkers.
...18% of kids had an abnormal EKG post-vaccine?!? That has to be extremely troubling. A vaccine is not supposed to do that. Are doctors telling parents the vaccine causes serious heart issues in 18% of kids? At least let them know.
The paper noted that “Cardiovascular effects were found in 29.24% of patients, ranging from tachycardia, palpitation, and myo/pericarditis.”
Kirsch drops truth bombs on Fox about the vaccines being deadly; Fox host very unhappy
Steve Kirsch, August 13, 2022
Someone had to go on Fox News and tell the truth about the injury and death rates about the COVID vaccines. It’s never been done before. They’ve all attempts or simply not allowed anyone on in the first place.
So on August 10, at 5:35pm, I took my shot. And I got it on air. For the first time in history.
I explained just how dangerous the vaccines are including the hundreds of thousands who have died and the millions who have been injured.
WOW!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT’S OVER!
Chris Martenson, Friday, August 12th, 2022
And, just like that, it was over.
This is HUGE news folks. In bureaucrat speak, this is a near-complete cave-in to the actual facts:
No symptoms? No problem.
Vaccinated or unvaccinated? Same guidance.
Exposed? No need to even quarantine.
Students exposed? They can stay in class, what the hell, right?
If you managed to maintain your integrity through this awful period of time, congratulations! You are one of the rock stars of this story. You are a solid individual who has courage and stood firm and tall when it mattered most.
The “Unvaccinated” Question (Revisited)
Consent factory, August 11, 2022
What is happening currently in New Normal Germany is the fascist fanatics in control of the government are rewriting the “Infection Protection Act,” again — as they have been doing repeatedly for the last two years — in order to allow themselves to continue to violate the German constitution (the “Grundgesetz“) and rule the nation by arbitrary decree under the guise of “protecting the public health.”
This repeatedly revised “Infection Protection Act” — which has granted the government of New Normal Germany the authority to order lockdowns, curfews, the outlawing of protests against the New Normal, the mandatory wearing of medical-looking masks, the segregation and persecution of “the Unvaccinated,” etc.
Covid cases in Singapore and New Zealand OVERTAKE Australia despite SUPER strict mandates: 'They don't matter'
Kevin Airs For Daily Mail AustraliaDaily Mail, July 19, 2022
New data shows Covid cases in Singapore and New Zealand have overtaken Australia in the latest Omicron wave despite ultra-strict mask mandates.
Masks are worn everywhere in the densely-populated Asian city while New Zealanders are forced to wear them in all indoor public places, such as shopping centres and libraries.
But both now have higher case numbers per million than Australia, where compulsory mask rules have been abandoned in most indoor settings.
It was never a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ and official public health data prove it
July 29, 2022, LifeSite(Paul Alexander)
This U.K. and New South Wales Australia data is alarming as to the risks faced by the COVID jab boosted population for hospitalization and death (post shot).
The fraud started when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes for Health (NIH), and World Health Organization (WHO), along with public health leaders like Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins and Rochelle Walensky, came up with the master deceit, whereby they redefined what it meant to be “vaccinated.”
Five physicians - four 50 or younger - have died in the Toronto area in the last two weeks
Alex Berenson, July 29, 2022
The odds seemed impossibly long. Doctors generally take good care of themselves.
But the emails that three physicians at Trillium Health Partners had died in a matter of days were real, not a hoax.
And they did not even include two more deaths of Toronto-area physicians since July 15. Those were both apparently cardiac-related deaths, including one of a 27-year-old woman - an extraordinarily rare event.
The count of dead physicians in the Toronto area in last two weeks now stands at five, four of whom were 50 or younger. One died of lung cancer, two of apparent cardiac collapse, and in two cases the cause of death has not been disclosed.
Canada bringing back mandatory random testing of travellers arriving at main airports
CTV News, July 14, 2022
Starting next week, fully-vaccinated travellers entering Canada through Toronto Pearson International Airport will once again be subjected to mandatory random COVID-19 testing.
The policy, which was temporary suspended last month amid long lines and delays at airports, will resume on July 19 for travellers arriving by air at Canada's four major Canadian airports in Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal and Toronto
Stunning official Canadian data show vaccines now RAISE the risk of death from Covid
Alex Berenson, July 15, 2022
Vaccinated people are now more likely to be hospitalized or die from Covid, even after adjusting for fact they're older than the unvaccinated, according to official government estimates from the Canadian province of Manitoba.
In May, the most recent month for which figures are available, only 9 percent of Covid deaths and 14 percent of hospital admissions in Manitoba occurred among unvaccinated people, even though they are 17 percent of the population.
Army Cuts Off More Than 60K Unvaccinated Guard and Reserve Soldiers from Pay and Benefits
6 Jul 2022
Some 40,000 National Guard and 22,000 Reserve soldiers who refused to be vaccinated against COVID-19 are no longer allowed to participate in their military duties, also effectively cutting them off from some of their military benefits, Army officials announced Friday.
"Soldiers who refuse the vaccination order without an approved or pending exemption request are subject to adverse administrative actions, including flags, bars to service, and official reprimands," an Army spokesperson said in a statement.
In Austria, the finger-pointing has begun!
Steve Kirsch, Substack,
July 8, 2022
A tale of three countries:
In Austria, they’ve figured out the vaccines are dangerous, so the Health Minister is now blaming the doctors.
In New Zealand, the data clearly shows the vaccinated have higher all-cause mortality, so their solution is more vaccines and they bury the papers showing the vaccines are the problem.
In Australia, the mandates are gone and a few people are coming to realize they goofed big time.
COVID Boosters Might Be Less Than 20% Effective After a Few Months: Study
NBC, New York, July 8, 2022
COVID booster shots appear to be less than 20% effective against infection with the omicron variant of the virus just a few months after the booster is given, a new study found this week.
The Italian study, which is a pre-print review and re-analysis of prior studies and has not been peer-reviewed, suggests boosters are effective in the short term to restore protection against the virus. But over just a few months, that wanes quickly.
Twice-vaxxed Canadian comedian who refused Pfizer booster “dies suddenly” age 32… Mark Steyn can’t believe it…
July 12, 2022, Revolver News
Comedian Nick Nemeroff died Monday, his family said in a statement mourning his “sudden passing.” He was 32. The cause of his death was not released.
In a statement on Nemeroff’s Instagram account, his family called him a “comic’s comic” who achieved success both in his native Canada and in the U.S.
Monkeypox cannot be considered a pandemic, expert says
June 25, 2022 /TASS
Monkeypox cannot be considered a pandemic due to the small number of cases, this virus is not highly contagious, infectious disease doctor Yevgeny Timakov told TASS. Earlier, the World Health Network called for monkeypox to be declared a pandemic.
"This disease in no way be considered a pandemic. Only a few get sick, it is not highly contagious. The virus may have changed in some way, but it does not pose a danger on a global scale," the expert explained.
Snake Oil: the most vaxxed country in Europe now has its worst COVID outcomes
Jordan Schachtel, Substack, June 2, 2022
Virtually every single adult in Portugal has taken at least two doses of “miracle cure” COVID vaccine, with the vast majority “boosted” as well. Yet this month, the most vaxxed country in Europe has consistently reported its worst outcomes.
Once thought to be the best positioned nation in Europe to deal with future bouts with the coronavirus, a nuclear bomb of reality has hit Lisbon.
Out of all the countries in Europe, “Portugal has experienced the most dramatic wave,” The Guardian reports. “With infections per million remaining at a seven-day average of 2,043 on Monday – the second highest new case rate in the world.”
Russian sanitary watchdog fully lifts COVID restrictions nationwide
TASS, July 1, 2022
MOSCOW, July 1. /TASS/. Russia’s Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor) is lifting restrictions imposed throughout the country due to the COVID pandemic, the department's press service told reporters on Friday.
Read also
Russia records 3,155 daily COVID-19 cases, 53 deaths — crisis center
"Due to the continuing decline in the epidemic’s intensity, Rospotrebnadzor has suspended the previously imposed restrictions, including the mask mandates, bans on nighttime operations of public catering and a number of other measures. If the situation with COVID-19 worsens, these restrictive measures may come back into effect," the service stated.
Life Insurance Payouts Jumped 163% During First Year Of Killer Jab Rollout
John C. Carleton, June 19, 2022
Five months after breaking the story of the CEO of One America insurance company saying deaths among working people ages 18-64 were up 40% in the third quarter of 2021, I can report that a much larger life insurance company, Lincoln National, reported a 163% increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021.
This is according to the annual statements filed with state insurance departments — statements that were provided exclusively to Crossroads Report in response to public records requests.
The reports show a more extreme situation than the 40% increase in deaths in the third quarter of 2021 that was cited in late December by One America CEO Scott Davison — an increase that he said was industry-wide and that he described at the time as “unheard of” and “huge, huge numbers” and the highest death rates that have ever been seen in the history of the life insurance business.
Mistake to Recommend COVID-19 Vaccines for All Children: Top Danish Health Official
Zachary Stieber, The Epoch Times, June 23, 2022
COVID-19 vaccines should not have been recommended for all children aged 5 and up, a top Danish health official has said.
Søren Brostrøm, the director general of the Danish Health Authority, told TV 2 that it was a mistake to broadly vaccinate children based on the knowledge that has accumulated since late 2021.
Children aged 5 to 15 were advised to get a vaccine then, as the Omicron variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus became dominant around the world.
Pfizer Stops Enrollment in COVID-19 Pill Trial After Latest Results
Mimi Nguyen Ly, The Epoch Times, June 16, 2022
Pfizer has announced it will stop enrollment in a clinical trial for Paxlovid—its COVID-19 antiviral pill—for standard-risk COVID-19 patients after the latest results suggested the drug did not reduce symptoms or hospitalizations and deaths to a statistically significant degree.
Paxlovid, which consists of two different antiviral drugs—nirmatrelvir and ritonavir—is currently approved or authorized for conditional or emergency use in more than 65 countries, including the United States, to treat COVID-19 patients at high risk of severe illness, including hospitalization or death.
Pfizer said on June 14 that it will “cease enrollment into the EPIC-SR trial due to low rate of hospitalization or death in the standard-risk population.”
Israel sees 70% spike in number of seriously ill COVID patients within a week
TOI staff, 17 June 2022
The number of coronavirus patients in serious condition in Israel reached 140 on Friday, marking a near 70% rise since last week, with health experts warning that the current situation was “unstable.”
While Israel has seen rising infection numbers for a few weeks, a rise in seriously ill patients marks a real concern as the country deals with the spread of the new variant BA.5, with experts warning that hospitals may need to reopen COVID wards. The number was up from 85 seriously ill patients on Friday last week.
Chinese City Uses COVID-19 App to Prevent Bank Protestors From Gathering, Depositors Say
Dorothy Li, The Epoch Times, June 15, 2022
The Chinese regime is using COVID-19 control measures to stop depositors whose savings were frozen by rural banks from protesting.
Several depositors told The Epoch Times on June 14 that the health code on their COVID-19 app turned red as soon as they scanned venue barcodes at Zhengzhou, the provincial capital city of central China’s Henan Province. A red health code—indicating a potential COVID-19 patient—means that the carrier is barred access to all public places from public toilets to shops to train stations and faces mandatory quarantine in centralized isolation centers.
America is now the only country in the world that authorizes COVID shots for infants
Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier, June 17, 2022
It appears that the United States just became the only country in the world to “vaccinate” babies and toddlers with COVID injections.
Despite what you are reading in the press, the U.S. seems to be, as of Friday, the only country in the world to partake in experimental COVID therapeutics for infants.
On Friday, the FDA authorized mRNA COVID shots (both Pfizer and Moderna) under emergency use authorization for children under 5 years old, all the way down to 6 months of age. As you’ll see in a moment, this is unprecedented anywhere in the world.
Third military aircraft in a week crashes in Southern California: is it the jabs?
Military Tech News, 06/14/2022 / By Ethan Huff
The United States military is having trouble keeping its aircraft in the skies these days, at least in Southern California where some three different planes and helicopters crashed in the desert in the span of just one week.
The cause of each of these incidents is still under investigation, we are told. But there is speculation among some that perhaps the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines that were forced on all military servicemen might have played a role.
The shots are known to cause blood clots, which have been linked to other mysterious accidents that have been occurring ever since the injections were first introduced under Operation Warp Speed.
In addition to causing Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, or SADS, Fauci Flu shots degrade the immune and neurological systems, which can cause changes in cognitive function and ability.
1,287,595 injuries reported after COVID shots, vaccine injury compensation programs overwhelmed
LifeSite, Tue June 7, 2022
(Children's Health Defense) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data June 3, showing a total of 1,287,595 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 27, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That's an increase of 9,615 adverse events over the previous week.
VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.
The data included a total of 28,532 reports of deaths an increase of 220 over the previous week and 235,041 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period up 2,347 compared with the previous week.
New Covid wave explained as virus now 'more dangerous' and top 3 UK hotspots revealed
Ryan Merrifield, The Mirror News Reporter 15 Jun 2022
Britain could be facing a new wave of Covid infections driven by Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5, with three counties in particular seeing a massive surge.
Data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) up to June 2 indicates England and Northern Ireland are starting to see a rise in cases.
In data collected by the New York Times from Data for the UK Department for Health and Social Care, Public Health England and the Chief Medical Officer Directorate, it shows the infection rate is 31 per 100,000.
Other areas to see a surge include North East Lincolnshire with 132% and Middlesbrough with 179%.
Lockdowns Killed Over 170,000 Americans per NBER Study in NYT
A new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research, cited in The Australian and in a New York Times op-ed today, reveals over 170,000 non-Covid excess deaths among young Americans in 2020 and 2021, most likely attributable to measures implemented to combat the coronavirus—i.e., deaths by lockdown.
The Economist puts the number even higher, at 199,000. This rate of non-Covid excess deaths among young people holds constant across European Union countries that employed strict lockdown measures, but disappears for Sweden, which did not employ such measures.
Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome
Tom Heaton For Daily Mail Australia, June 8, 2022
People aged under 40 are being urged to have their hearts checked because they may potentially be at risk of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
The syndrome, known as SADS, has been fatal for all kinds of people regardless of whether they maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle. SADS is an 'umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people', said The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, most commonly occurring in people under 40 years of age.
Suspension of the mandatory vaccination requirement for domestic travellers and federally regulated transportation workers
- As of June 20, 2022, at 00:01 EDT, vaccination will no longer be a requirement to board a plane or train in Canada.
- This change does not affect border measures that require all travellers entering Canada to continue following entry requirements, including vaccination.
- Other public health measures, such as wearing a mask, continue to apply and will be enforced throughout a traveller’s journey on a plane or train.
New Lancet Study Destroys the CDC's Justification for School Mask Mandates
Leah Barkoukis, Townhall, Jun 01, 2022
The Lancet, a world-renown medical journal, is out with a new study debunking a highly-cited CDC study that was used to support mask mandates in schools.
Specifically, the study not only replicates the CDC study, which found a “negative association” between masks and pediatric cases of Covid-19, it also extends the study to include more districts over a longer period of time. In the end, the new study had nearly “six times as much data as the original study.”
A New World Health Organization Report Once Again Proves Sweden Right
Ian Miller, Unmasked, May 17, 2022
In summary, Sweden, the country that eschewed strict lockdowns, had some of the lowest mask usage anywhere on earth, kept schools open and society functioning as much as possible, and had one of the lowest rates of overall mortality of any country in their region.
While a single graph or chart may not necessarily disprove pro-mandate arguments, this one comes remarkably close.
If lockdowns, masks and other restrictions were as important as experts and politicians preach that they are, these results should not be possible.
Monkey Pox Truth versus Fearporn
Robert W Malone MD, MS
May 21
In my opinion, based on currently available information, Monkeypox is a virus and disease which is endemic in Africa, emerges sporadically after transmission into humans from animal hosts, and is typically spread by close human contact. It is readily controlled by classical public health measures. It does not have a high mortality rate. Unless there has been some genetic alteration, either through evolution or intentional genetic manipulation, it is not a significant biothreat, and has never been considered a high threat pathogen in the past.
Belgium become first country to introduce compulsory monkeypox quarantine
Belgium has become the first country to introduce a compulsory 21-day monkeypox quarantine - as 14 countries now confirm outbreaks o f the viral disease and doctors warn of a 'significant rise' in UK cases
Those who contract the virus will now have to self-isolate for three weeks, Belgian health authorities have said, after three cases were recorded in the country.
Israel announces end to mask mandate on airplanes
Israel National News, May 17, 2022
Passengers flying to or from Israel will no longer be mandated by the Israeli government to wear face masks, the Israeli Health Ministry announced Tuesday.
Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz, Health Ministry director-general Nachman Ash, public health chief Sharon Alroy-Preis, and COVID czar Salman Zarka agreed Tuesday not to extend Israel’s mask mandate on passenger planes during international flights, effectively ending the requirement.
The mandate is set to expire next Monday, ending the mask requirement in all closed locations in Israel, with the exception of medical centers and nursing homes.
S.China reports first case of 'more contagious' Omicron BA.4 variant infection
Cui Fandi, Global Times, May 22, 2022
China reported the first case of a COVID-19 infection caused by the "more contagious" Omicron BA.4 variant, which was imported, according to an epidemiological survey by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
On May 4, a case of Omicron BA.4 infection was confirmed in China, the first reported in the country. The patient arrived in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong Province from the Netherlands on April 29 and was admitted to an isolation hotel. The next day, she tested positive for novel coronavirus.
New study: Face mask usage correlates with higher death rates
Y Rabinovitz 01.05.22
Using data from 35 countries and 602 million people, peer-reviewed study confirms previous research and cautions use of face masks "may have harmful unintended consequences."
A new peer-reviewed study entitled: "Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe" has demonstrated that use of face masks, even widespread, did not correlate with better outcomes during the COVID epidemic, based on data from 35 European countries with populations of over one million people each, encompassing a total of 602 million people.
The most powerful evidence yet that mRNA vaccines hurt long-term immunity to Covid after infection
Alex Berenson, May 19, 2022
Unvaccinated people are much more likely to develop broad antibody immunity after Covid infections than people who have received mRNA shots, a new study shows.
The gap remains large whether people had mild, moderate, or severe Covid infections, the study showed - undercutting a crucial argument that vaccine advocates have made to defend the shots.
The research draws on data from Moderna’s 30,000-person clinical trial for its mRNA shots. It may help explain why so many Americans now suffer multiple Covid infections, sometimes within months.
Face Masks Lead to Breathing Dangerous Levels of Carbon Dioxide Even When Sitting Still, Study Finds
Will Jones, Daily Sceptic, 13 May 2022
Wearing a face mask results in exposure to dangerous concentrations of carbon dioxide in inhaled air, even when the mask is worn for just five minutes when sitting still, a study has found.
With surgical masks, the CO2 concentration of inhaled air exceeded the danger zone of 5,000 ppm in 40% of cases. With FFP2 respirators it exceeded it in 99% of cases. The CO2 concentrations were higher for children and for those who breathed more frequently.
Acting NIH Director Admits Appearance of Conflict of Interest in Secret Royalty Payments to Fauci, Scientists
Epoch News, Mark Tapscott, May 11, 2022
Undisclosed royalty payments estimated at $350 million from pharmaceutical and other firms to Dr. Anthony Fauci and hundreds of National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists do present “an appearance of a conflict of interest,” according to the agency’s acting director.
Dr. Lawrence Tabak, who took over as NIH director following the December 2021 resignation of the agency’s long-time leader, Dr. Francis Collins, told a House Appropriations Committee subcommittee that federal law allows the royalty payments, but he conceded that they don’t look ethical.
Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine Protection Against Omicron Fades Just Weeks After Second And Third Doses, Study Finds
Robert Hart, Forbes, May 13, 2022
Immunity against the omicron coronavirus variant fades rapidly after a second and third dose of Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine, according to peer reviewed research published in JAMA Network Open on Friday, a finding that could support rolling out additional booster shots to vulnerable people as the variant drives an uptick in new cases across the country.
Levels of omicron-specific “neutralizing” antibodies—which can target the virus and stop it from replicating—decline rapidly after a second and third dose of Pfizer’s shot, according to the Danish study of 128 people who had received two or three doses.
Protection by a Fourth Dose of BNT162b2 against Omicron in Israel: Only short-term protection
Yinon M. Bar-On, M.Sc., Yair Goldberg, Ph.D, et al., New England Journal of Medicine, April 5, 2022
Rates of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe Covid-19 were lower after a fourth dose of BNT162b2 vaccine than after only three doses. Protection against confirmed infection appeared short-lived...For confirmed infection, a fourth dose appeared to provide only short-term protection and a modest absolute benefit. Several reports have indicated that the protection against hospital admission conferred by a third dose given more than 3 months earlier is substantially lower against the omicron variant than the protection of a fresh third dose against hospital admission for illness caused by the B.1.617.2 (delta) variant.
Bill to let 12-Year Olds Get Vaccine Without Parental Consent Passes State Senate
California Globe, Katy Grimes, May 13, 2022
SB 866 by Senators Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) to allow children ages 12 to 17 to take the COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent, just passed the California State Senate Thursday.
California legislators formed a “vaccine working group” earlier this year, claiming they wanted “to facilitate coordinated action and bring thoughtful, comprehensive approach to save lives.”
As Karen England with the Capitol Resource Institute explained to the Globe in March, “...This bill not only strips parents of their right to make important decisions regarding their child’s health, but it also places minors in a potentially dangerous situation. If a minor were to have an immediate adverse reaction to a vaccine, the parent would not know. Parents MUST be allowed to be the decision makers when it comes to the health of their children.”
How the organized Left got Covid wrong, learned to love lockdowns and lost its mind: an autopsy
CHRISTIAN PARENTI, The Gray Zone,·MARCH 31, 2022
It is hard to destroy your own cause and feel righteous while doing so, yet the American left has done it. After more than two centuries at the vanguard of the struggle for freedom, the American left, broadly defined, executed a volte face and embraced anti-working-class policies marketed as purely technical public health measures.
CDC: No Documents Supporting Claim Vaccines Don’t Cause Variants
By Zachary Stieber, Epoch Times, May 13, 2022
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says it does not have documents backing its claim that COVID-19 vaccines do not cause variants of the virus that causes COVID-19.
The CDC’s website calls it a myth that the vaccines cause variants.
The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), a nonprofit, asked the CDC ...for documentation supporting the claim.
In one request, the group asked for “All documents sufficient to support that COVID-19 vaccines do not create or cause variants of the virus that causes COVID-19.”
...The CDC has now responded to both requests, saying a search “found no records responsive” to them.
Prudential Financial - the largest US insurer - is ending its Covid vaccine requirement
Alex Berenson, May 4, 2022
Whether you are an employee, contractor, or visitor, you will no longer need a Covid vaccine to walk into a Prudential Financial building as of June 6.
Hmm. Sounds like Prudential doesn’t see much benefit in mRNA vaccines for Covid.
But what would they know? They’re only the largest American health and life insurance company by assets (second by policies written). Not like they have a lot of data to check…
"These Are Massive Crimes - Pfizer Data Dump
...The last tranche of the US court-ordered PfiZer’s public release of its CovID-19 research papers appeared in the alternate news and on the Internet. The Mainstream Legacy Media has not covered the devastating evidence contained in these papers of course. The criminal media and the Western Globalist puppet political regimes still want to sucker in as many clueless dopes as possible into taking as many “Boosters”–before the truth hits the fan.
What follows below is a compendium of links I have amassed from Twitter and also ones Dennis has sent me over the past two days.
Research suggests COVID jabs are actually killing more people than they save
LifeSite, May 4, 2022
(Mercola) – According to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, more than 1 million excess deaths — that is, deaths in excess of the historical average — have been recorded since the COVID-19 pandemic began two years ago, and this cannot be explained by COVID-19.
Deaths from heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia and many other illnesses rose during that time. “We’ve never seen anything like it,” Robert Anderson, CDC’s head of mortality statistics, told The Washington Post in mid-February 2022.
Dr. Paul Alexander Says Senior Doctors And Hospital CEOs Received Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Cards
The True Reporter, April 30, 2022
Dr. Paul Alexander claims top officials were issued fake vaccine cards after turning down mandatory vaccination
Dr. Alexander is a Canadian health researcher and former Trump administration official at the US Department of Health and Human Services during the pandemic. Alexander wrote in his substack article: “Some senior doctors/CEOs in hospital (s) in various State (s) in US, have come forward to us advising that they decided to find us and come to us to say they are ready to talk. Scared about safety and careers will be destroyed.
NO Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe
Published: April 19, 2022, Beny Spira, Associate Professor, Microbiologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo · Sao Paulo, BRA
Masking was the single most common non-pharmaceutical intervention in the course of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Most countries have implemented recommendations or mandates regarding the use of masks in public spaces. The aim of this short study was to analyse the correlation between mask usage against morbidity and mortality rates in the 2020-2021 winter in Europe. Data from 35 European countries on morbidity, mortality, and mask usage during a six-month period were analysed and crossed. Mask usage was more homogeneous in Eastern Europe than in Western European countries. Spearman's correlation coefficients between mask usage and COVID-19 outcomes were either null or positive, depending on the subgroup of countries and type of outcome (cases or deaths). Positive correlations were stronger in Western than in Eastern European countries. These findings indicate that countries with high levels of mask compliance did not perform better than those with low mask usage.
Michigan Investigated Hundreds of Doctors, Nurses Over COVID-related Complaints
By Alice Giordano, The Epoch Times, April 30, 2022
Hundreds of nurses and doctors, including a chief medical examiner, have been investigated by the state of Michigan on COVID-related allegations ranging from videotaping a wedding where some guests weren’t wearing masks to telling trick-or-treaters not to get the vaccine.
Authorities dismissed many of the complaints. Dozens are still pending, with a number referred for disciplinary action. Some have been referred to the Michigan Attorney General’s office for criminal prosecution.
The Explosion of Cancer and Latent Disease: The Lipid Nanoparticle Platform Is Asking for Trouble!
Epoch News, April 28, 2022
Video taken from COVID VACCINE VICTIMS AND FAMILIES. - Dr. Richard Urso: "From [ages] 25 to 44, we saw last quarter of last year an 82% rise in deaths, so there's a lot of data that's out there that is very, very troubling... This lipid nanoparticle messenger RNA platform, I don't care what you attach it to, it is always going to travel everywhere. It's always going to be a problem. And that's why you see the distribution of of disorders coming from this after the vaccines affect so many different organ systems because it distributes everywhere."
Fauci: US is ‘certainly’ out of the ‘pandemic phase’
Fox News, April 27, 2022
Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been the mouthpiece for the government’s coronavirus response across two presidential administrations, said during an interview on Tuesday that the U.S. was "certainly" out of the pandemic stage, though he cautioned that the larger, global pandemic was still ongoing.
"We are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase," Dr. Fauci said during an interview with PBS NewsHour Judy Woodruff, according to a transcript of the interview.
Dr. Ryan Cole- How the Covid “Vaccines” Cause Cancer
Dr Mark Trozzi, April 27, 2022
The world class pathologist and pioneer of Covid science explains how the injections are causing cancer. Pathologist Dr Ryan Cole possesses very deep understanding of coronavirus infections , and the disastrous impacts of the forced covid injections. He has performed autopsies on many injection victims, and studied their diverse organ tissues under microscope. He is a world leader in the techniques of immunoflourescent staining which reveal the profound microscopic vandalism caused by spike proteins throughout the injection victims’ bodies.
China’s economy pays a price as lockdowns restrict nearly a third of the population
New York Times, April 15, 2022
Nearly 400 million people are estimated to be under some form of lockdown in China as officials try to stop a fast-moving omicron outbreak that is beginning to weigh on the world’s second-largest economy.
Hundreds of thousands of people have been sent to isolation facilities in China, and millions more have been told to stay in their homes. Officials in dozens of cities have shut down normal daily life across the country in a race to track and trace the coronavirus and stamp out China’s worst outbreak since the start of the pandemic.
Three cases of new COVID-19 variant found in people returning to Israel
A new COVID-19 variant was found in three PCR tests taken at Ben-Gurion Airport from travelers returning to Israel, the Health Ministry has reported.
The BA.4 variant has been spreading through South Africa, causing a rise in mortality. The three cases came from passengers returning from South Africa, Singapore and Italy.
Heart Inflammation More Prevalent Among Vaccinated Than Unvaccinated: Study
Zachary Stieber, Epoch Times, April 25, 2022
Heart inflammation requiring hospital care was more common among people who received COVID-19 vaccines than those who did not, according to a new study of tens of millions of Europeans.
Rates of myocarditis or pericarditis, two types of heart inflammation, are above the levels in an unvaccinated cohort, pegged at 38 per 100,000 after receipt of a second dose of a vaccine built on messenger RNA (mRNA) technology in males aged 16 to 24—the group studies have shown are most at risk of the post-vaccination condition—researchers with health agencies in Finland, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway found.
833 Athlete Cardiac Arrests and Serious Issues, 540 Dead, Following Covid Injection
By Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose, on April 8, 2022
A total of 15 players were unable to finish the Miami Open 2022 tennis tournament, including the male and female favourites. All of the players must be “fully vaccinated” to compete, the Liberty Daily wrote, “just as we’ve noted for several months, most major sports have been hit with ‘inexplicable’ medical conditions popping up in young and otherwise healthy athletes, including our report that three cyclists fell in March alone.”
COVID-19 Linked To Alzheimer's-Like Brain Changes, Study Suggests
Saturday, Apr 16, 2022 Jennifer Margulis
For some, it’s just a sniffle. But for others, COVID-19 can hit hard. Either way, some people who get COVID-19 will suffer from long-term effects. This is known as “long COVID,” and its sufferers are often referred to as “long haulers.” Chances are you already know about long COVID and you may even have been affected by it or have friends or family who are. What is less well known, however, is that neurological issues are common in long COVID.
Tampa federal judge voids U.S. mask mandate for planes, other travel
Associated Press, April 18, 2022
ST. PETERSBURG — A federal judge in Florida on Monday voided the national mask mandate covering airlines and other public transportation as exceeding the authority of U.S. health officials in their response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The mandate, recently extended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, covered a vast array of transportation, from airplanes and trains to city subways and ride-sharing vehicles such as Uber.
Fauci’s United Front Is Collapsing
BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER, Brownstone Institute, APRIL 3, 20
We had a plot against the US president, the deliberate cultivation of mass panic, forced closures of schools and businesses, wild demands for mass human separation, travel restrictions, ineffective mask and vaccine mandates, and the general triumph of crank science over experience, at the great cost of human liberties and rights and hence social and economic well-being.
Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins dead at 50: The inside story on what likely caused his death
Steve Kirsch, April 2, 2022
Here is a summary of the evidence I’ve pieced together from both public and private sources (who knew him personally).
You can draw your own conclusions. The evidence is consistent with the primary cause being vaccine-induced myocarditis. It fits the facts like a glove. No other hypothesis I’m aware of can explain the evidence. His drug use, which as far as I have been able to determine was limited to smoking weed, played only a minor role.
The Highwire, April 4, 2022
Public trust in the agencies behind the COVID booster push have suffered massively from continually making recommendations outside data and sound science. The FDA’s latest move to push 4th and 5th boosters may be the final straw for a medical community already up in arms.
44 Studies on Vaccine Efficacy That Raise Doubts on Vaccine Mandate
Paul E. Alexander, Epoch Times, March 19, 2022
As some people have now been vaccinated for more than half a year, evidence is pouring in about Covid vaccine efficacy. When evaluating vaccine efficacy, it is important to distinguish between efficacy against infection, symptomatic disease, and transmission versus efficacy against hospitalization and death. For infection and symptomatic disease, the COVID-19 vaccines are not as efficacious as hoped, with immunity gradually waning after a few months. For hospitalization and death, immunity is stronger, lasting for at least six months.
Shanghai Reports Record Surge In COVID Cases
Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, Mar 21, 2022
Shanghai, China's financial center, reported a record surge in daily COVID infections on Monday despite the CCP's best efforts to contain the ongoing COVID outbreak, which is the worst outbreak in China since the virus first emerged in Wuhan more than two years ago.
The country’s determined efforts to contain growing outbreaks despite the "mild symptoms" reported led to lockdowns that affected more than 50 million people at their peak; but the deleterious impact on China's economy has led the CCP to ease some restrictions, particularly in the southern tech hub of Shenzhen.
Fauci Braces for House GOP Investigations: ‘Benghazi Hearings All Over Again’
By Jack Phillips, Epoch News, March 16, 2022
White House COVID-19 adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said he expects to be investigated by Republicans if they take back control of the House during the 2022 midterm elections.
“It’s Benghazi hearings all over again,” Fauci told The Washington Post on March 15 in reference to numerous GOP lawmakers saying they will look into alleged gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, located near where the first COVID-19 cases were officially reported in late 2019.
Fauci, an unelected federal official who has headed the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, claimed that potential hearings “will distract me from doing my job, the way it’s doing right now.” Should there be hearings and an investigation, Fauci said, “there will be nothing there.”
Vaccinated Travellers Will No Longer Need a COVID-19 Test to Come to Canada: Source
Vaccinated travellers will no longer require a negative COVID-19 test to come to Canada as of April 1, according to a source in the federal government.
The source, who is not authorized to speak publicly about the upcoming policy change, said an official announcement is expected later this week.
The change is welcome news, just in time for the tourist season, said Perrin Beatty, president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and co-chair of the Canadian Travel and Tourism Roundtable.
Austria suspends law forcing all adults to have Covid jabs and admits the 'encroachment of fundamental rights' is not justified
AFP, 9 March 2022
Austria is suspending mandatory Covid-19 vaccines for all adults saying the pandemic no longer poses the same danger, just weeks after the law took effect.
The Alpine nation of nine million people was one of the few countries in the world to make jabs against the coronavirus compulsory for all adults.
Stanford medical prof emphasizes significance of COVID antibodies found from fall 2019
LifeSiteNews - Tue Mar 15, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) – Antibodies to the novel coronavirus have been discovered in blood samples dating from September 2019 in Europe, prior to the supposed outbreak in Wuhan, China, marking an “enormous” change in how the government response to the virus should be viewed, a leading medical professor said. ....Commenting on the discovery, Stanford medical professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya noted that stored blood samples from September and November 2019 ... disqualifying initial media reporting that a Wuhan wet market had been the source of the global outbreak of the virus.
“The implications are enormous,” Bhattacharya said, highlighting that since the virus was in the population “long before the official start date, it was too late to stop the disease from spreading across the earth.”
France Lifts COVID-19 Rules on Unvaccinated, Mask Wearing
SYLVIE CORBET, Associated Press, March 14, 2022
PARIS (AP) — France lifted most COVID-19 restrictions on Monday, abolishing the need to wear face masks in most settings and allowing people who aren’t vaccinated back into restaurants, sports arenas and other venues.
The move had been announced earlier this month by the French government based on assessments of the improving situation in hospitals and following weeks of a steady decline in infections. It comes less than a month before the first round of the presidential election scheduled on April 10.
US Seeks to Expand Trump-Era COVID Data Collection Under CDC
NewsMax, Monday, 14 March 2022
The Biden administration wants to expand a federal COVID-19 tracking system created during the pandemic to provide a more detailed view of how respiratory and other infectious diseases are affecting patients and hospital resources, according to a draft of proposed rules reviewed by Reuters.
The plan would build upon a hospital data collection system designed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Trump administration. Management of the program was transferred last month to HHS's lead public health agency, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Pfizer CEO says a fourth booster shot 'is necessary'
Joseph Choi, The Hill, 03/13/22
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said on Sunday that a fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine will be necessary to continue to help keep hospitalizations manageable and sicknesses more mild.
"Right now, the way that we have seen, it is necessary, a fourth booster right now. The protection that you are getting from the third, it is good enough, actually quite good for hospitalizations and deaths," Bourla said while appearing on CBS's "Face the Nation."
Ontario reveals deaths caused by COVID much lower than previously reported
Anthony Furey, Toronto Sun, Mar 09, 2022
Ontario has quietly revealed that the number of persons in the province whose death was caused by COVID-19 is much lower than the story the previous statistics told.
What the data reveals is that, depending on the wave, the number of reported deaths where COVID-19 was actually the underlying cause of death ranged from about 75% to just under 60% of the previously disclosed numbers.
NYT: "Do Covid Precautions Work? Yes, but actually not really."
Eugyppius, March 10,2022
“Do Covid Precautions Work?” asks New York Times reporter David Leonhardt. “Yes,” he concludes, “but they haven’t made a big difference.”It’s amazing to see a journalist finally confronting all of the data we’ve discussed for over a year now.
Did Omicron spread less in the parts of the U.S. where social distancing and masking were more common? The answer is surprisingly unclear. It is honestly hard to write this without overmuch laughter.
Latest flu vaccine was INEFFECTIVE during the 2021-2022 season and was deemed a 'poor match' to the strain, CDC report finds
Mansur Shaheen, Dailymail.Com, March 10, 2022
Experts at the University of Pennsylvania warned late last year that this year's Covid vaccine may be ineffective.
The flu shot used during the 2021 to 2022 virus season was a poor match and did little to prevent circulation, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report finds.
Researchers found that the vaccine only reduced the number of mild influenza by 16 percent, which they do not consider statistically significant.
FDA begins court-mandated release of thousands of pages on Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine review
Zachary Brennan, Endpoint News, March 2, 2022
A court loss for the FDA in a Texas district court means the agency on Tuesday began to release a massive trove of hundreds of thousands of documents related to its review of Pfizer’s safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine.
But what exactly will be uncovered in each batch of released documents is anyone’s guess.
The nonprofit that won the court case, known as the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, promptly released the Pfizer documents on its website this week but did not offer any sort of organization or explanation of what they show.
Truck convoy loops around Washington DC to protest Covid restrictions
Edward Helmore, The Guardian, March 6, 2022
A long line of huge semi-articulated trucks, recreational vehicles and cars was circling Washington DC, on Sunday, in preparation for what their protesting drivers have pledged will be a week of traffic disruption around the US capital aligned around a loose collection of demands, including the end to all coronavirus pandemic-related restrictions.
From its temporary base at a speedway vehicle racing site in Hagerstown, 80 miles north-west in Maryland, organizers of what they term the “People’s Convoy” of about 1,000 vehicles have said they plan to welcome the new work week by driving slowly around Washington on the already notoriously congested Beltway, or ring road, at the minimum legal speed in an attempt to get their message across to national politicians.
Florida to advise against COVID-19 vaccine for healthy kids, contradicting CDC
By Peter Sullivan, The Hill, 03/07/22
Florida’s Department of Health will recommend against coronavirus vaccination for “healthy children,” the state’s surgeon general said Monday, contradicting the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other experts.
Florida “is going to be the first state to officially recommend against the COVID-19 vaccines for healthy children,” state surgeon general Joseph Ladapo said at the end of a roundtable discussion on the virus response.
New York City rolls back its COVID restrictions
Elaine Quijano, Yahoo News, March 4, 2022
New York City has become the latest and largest city in the U.S. to announce it's dropping most of its COVID-19 restrictions as the Omicron surge continues to wind down. Starting Monday, businesses will no longer be required to ask for vaccination cards, and masks will no longer be mandated in public schools for children ages 5 and older.
"We have to get our economy back on track," Mayor Eric Adams said on Friday.
The city, which was once considered the epicenter of the pandemic, now has a positivity rate of only 1.6% over a 7-day average.
No, Canada did NOT seize any crypto wallets connected with the #FreedomConvoy, here’s why
Mark E. Jeftovic, March 5, 2022
(Unless they’re in a hot wallet on an exchange within Canadian jurisdiction).
Longer answer:
I’m seeing references and hearing anecdotally how the Canadian government froze or even seized crypto wallets associated with the #FreedomConvoy fundraising efforts. Including the sensational headline from Fortune magazine’s “Fed up Ottawa residents win secret suit to freeze the crypto wallets funding Canada’s ‘Freedom Convoy’ protesters“.
Senate votes to end Covid-19 emergency declaration, Biden threatens veto
Alice Miranda Ollstein, Politico, 03/03/2022
A bill by Senate Republicans to terminate the national emergency declaration for the Covid-19 pandemic passed 48 to 47 Thursday on a party-line vote.
While the legislation has a slim chance of passing the Democrat-controlled House and President Joe Biden has already threatened to veto the bill, the vote is yet another rebuke of the administration’s pandemic policies at a time it is seeking billions from Congress to keep them going for several more months.
Anti-Covid controls protest convoy gathers on outskirts of Washington DC
Sat 5 Mar 2022, Reuters
More than a thousand large trucks, recreational vehicles and cars are gathering on the outskirts of Washington as part of a protest against Covid-19 restrictions that threatens to roll on the US capital in the coming days.
The so-called “People’s Convoy”, which originated in California and has drawn participants from around the country, is calling for an end to all pandemic-related restrictions. It was inspired by demonstrations last month that paralyzed Ottawa, Canada’s capital city.
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine converts to DNA inside human liver cells, new study
Sophie Mann, Just the News, March 3, 2022
The Swedish study suggests the vaccine is capable of becoming DNA, which is what the CDC claimed would not happen.
A study by Swedish scientists finds that when the vaccine's mRNA enters human liver cells it triggers a number of reactions that yield a reverse transcription that turns the mRNA into spike DNA, according to the Epoch Times.
The scientists, in their study published in the journal Current Issues of Molecular Biology, state that they have found "evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 is able to enter the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro."
Ontario Judge Sides With Mother Opposing Covid Jabs for Her Kids, Says Her Concerns ‘entirely understandable’
The Highwire, March 2, 2022
Below is an excerpt from the judgement recently handed down by Ontario Judge Justice A. Pazaratz in a court case where the father wanted his two children, ages 12 and 10, to receive COVID vaccinations. The mother was opposed.
[1] When did it become illegal to ask questions? Especially in the courtroom?
[2] And when did it become unfashionable for judges to receive answers? Especially when children’s lives are at stake?
[3] How did we lower our guard and let the words “unacceptable beliefs” get paired together? In a democracy? On the Scales of Justice?
Pfizer: "1223 reported fatalities during a 3-month period, out of 42K reports"
Afshine Emrani, MD, Twitter, March 1, 2022,
1223 reported fatalities during a 3-month period, out of 42K reports? Was this covered up? I am really confused. This is not what we see in real life. Oy.
Iceland lifts all COVID-19 restrictions
Reuters, February 23, 2022
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Iceland will lift all remaining COVID-19 restrictions on Friday, including a 200-person indoor gathering limit and restricted opening hours for bars, the Ministry of Health said on Wednesday.
"Widespread societal resistance to COVID-19 is the main route out of the epidemic," the ministry said in a statement, citing infectious disease authorities.
U.K. ends all restrictions, Australia reopens borders
February 22, 2022, Washington Post
England ended all remaining covid restrictions Monday amid falling cases, and Australia reopened its borders to overseas travelers, as countries around the world seek a way to “live with the virus.”
Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s message of a return to normalcy was partially blunted since Queen Elizabeth II tested positive for the coronavirus over the weekend and was experiencing “mild cold like symptoms.” Lawmakers from the opposition Labour Party and some public health experts have also criticized Johnson’s move as premature — and even reckless — as the country reported more than 1,000 deaths in the past week.
The People’s Convoy hits the road to DC
02/28/2022 by EraOfLight
The People’s Convoy (TPC) – the American version of Canada’s Freedom Convoy – hit the road, intending to reach Washington, D.C. in time for President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address on March 1.Tampa Bay, Florida’s local channel WFLA 8 said the truckers seek an end to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions – including mask mandates and compulsory vaccination.
CBS News reported that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had approved requests from the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and the U.S. Capitol police for National Guard assistance.
New Zealand High Court: Vaccine Mandate Not ‘Demonstrably Justified,’ Breach of Rights
Katabella Roberts, Epoch Times, February 25, 2022
The New Zealand High Court has upheld a challenge to a vaccine mandate for Police and Defence Force staff, stating that it was not a “demonstrably justified” breach of the Bill of Rights. Justice Francis Cooke was asked by a group of Police and Defence Force personnel to judicially review the vaccine mandate enacted under the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act in December.
The mandate required all Defence Force personnel and all Police constables, recruits, and authorized officers to receive two doses of the vaccine by March 1.
But on Jan. 6, three unvaccinated staff who did not wish to receive the shots sought a judicial review of the mandate. They were supported by affidavits from 37 of their colleagues in the same position.
Follow the Data, They Said, and Then Hid It
By Jeffrey A. Tucker, Brownstone Institute, February 24, 2022
"Two full years into the pandemic, the agency leading the country’s response to the public health emergency has published only a tiny fraction of the data it has collected, several people familiar with the data said." -NYT There can be little doubt, for example, that the missing data bears on the issue of vaccine effectiveness and very likely demonstrates that the claim that this was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” is completely unsustainable, even from the time when it was first made.
Bill Gates Credits Natural Infection With Doing "A Better Job" Of Bolstering COVID Immunity
Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, Feb 18, 2022
Speaking on Friday during the Munich Security Conference, Bill Gates, Microsoft's founder and chairman, discussed how the threat posed by the COVID pandemic had "dramatically lowered"...while making a startling admission: that natural infection and spread was more effective at bolstering human immunity than vaccines.
Canada's Use of Terrorist Laws Against Peaceful Protest Draws International Condemnation
Allum Bokhari, Breitbart, 15 Feb 2022
Politicians in the United States and around the world condemned the Canadian government after it announced it would use anti-terrorism laws to quell a peaceful protest of its own citizens.
"We are broadening the scope of Canada's anti-money laundering and terrorist financing rules, so that they cover crowdfunding platforms and the payment service providers they use," said Canadian deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland at a press conference yesterday.
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Omicron in Israel: Serious COVID Cases Down 24 Percent in One Week
Haaretz, Feb. 16, 2022
Serious coronavirus cases have fallen by 24 percent in one week, according to Israel's Health Ministry, as the omicron wave continues to taper off.
There are 927 serious cases in Israel, Health Ministry data showed on Wednesday. A full 331 are in critical condition with 271 on ventilators and 28 attached to ECMO machines. In early February, serious cases reached a high of 1,229 in
See the Whole Article
Omicron in Israel: Serious COVID Cases Down 24 Percent in One Week
Haaretz, Feb. 16, 2022
Serious coronavirus cases have fallen by 24 percent in one week, according to Israel's Health Ministry, as the omicron wave continues to taper off.
There are 927 serious cases in Israel, Health Ministry data showed on Wednesday. A full 331 are in critical condition with 271 on ventilators and 28 attached to ECMO machines. In early February, serious cases reached a high of 1,229 in Israel.
Ottawa protest leaders arrested as police ready to 'take action'
Al Jazeera, February 17, 2022
Police in the Canadian capital have arrested two leaders of the so-called "Freedom Convoy" that has occupied the city for nearly three weeks, as they prepare to "take action" to end the protesters.
Police on Thursday ramped up their presence in the area, where approximately 400 vehicles are still involved in what Ottawa residents and political leaders have described as an "occupation" and "siege". They have told protesters to leave the area or face possible arrest and criminal charges.
'This is a war': Arrested Coutts protesters say they were being provoked by RCMP
Bill Kaufmann, Calgary, Herald,Feb 17, 2022
One of the Coutts border blockade protesters charged with a weapons offence told supporters that Mounties were pushing them to a violent confrontation rejected by demonstrators.
In a video posted to Facebook on Sunday, just hours before she was arrested for mischief and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose, Jaclyne Martin noted RCMP had disabled protesters' heavy equipment so it couldn't be driven onto Highway 4 to block the border crossing.
"The RCMP admitted to that vandalism," said Martin, 39, while calling for more support at the blockade that was cleared two days later after more than two weeks of protests.
Mobilizing US truckers organize stateside convoys set to protest COVID 'overreach'
Jesse O'Neill, New York Post, February 17, 2022
A group of US trucker convoys - inspired by the weeks-long demonstrations north of the border - are joining protests against COVID-19 restrictions and mandates in several cities.
The Great American Patriot Project started the American Truckers Freedom Fund on Wednesday and urged truck drivers to join three convoys to Washington, DC, next month.
The political action committee said it was launching the motorcades in the first month of March. One would travel from California through the Southwest and Deep South to DC. Two others would originate in Ohio and end in the capital.
Federal government invokes Emergencies Act for first time ever in response to protests, blockades
Catharine Tunney · CBC News · Feb 14, 2022
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he's invoking the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canada's history to give the federal government temporary powers to handle ongoing blockades and protests against pandemic restrictions.
"It is now clear that there are serious challenges to law enforcement's ability to effectively enforce the law," Trudeau told a news conference Monday afternoon.
"It is no longer a lawful protest at a disagreement over government policy. It is now an illegal occupation. It's time for people to go home."
Canadian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland: We Are Broadening The Scope Of "Terrorist Financing" Rules To Cover Crowd-Funding Platforms
Tim Hains, Real Clear Politics, February 14, 2022
Canadian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland dropped this piece of news Monday during a press conference where the prime minister announced a national emergency in response to the truckers protesting against vaccine passports.
BBC reports: Canada trucker protest: What powers will Emergencies Act give Trudeau? - The law will grant Mr Trudeau's government extraordinary powers for 30 days - including the power to prohibit public assembly, travel and the use of specific property.
Canada trucker protest: What powers will Emergencies Act give Trudeau?
BBC, February 15, 2022
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has invoked the never-used Emergencies Act to give his government enhanced authority in response to the anti-vaccine mandate protests and blockades gripping Canada.
The law will grant Mr Trudeau's government extraordinary powers for 30 days - including the power to prohibit public assembly, travel and the use of specific property.
Under the Act, the government has a number of far-reaching powers at its disposal.
The government could bar travel to or from specific areas - from Parliament Hill or major border crossings, for example. It could order the evacuation of people and personal property from certain areas, possibly using this power to clear out congested areas of protesters. And it could direct individuals and companies to render essential services, perhaps ordering tow-truck companies to lend their services and clear the roads of demonstrators and their vehicles.
Government considering emergency powers with 'appropriate caution,' federal minister says
CBC News · Posted: Feb 13, 2022
The federal government has discussed invoking special emergency powers to deal with ongoing protests in Ottawa, Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair says, calling a lack of enforcement in the nation's capital "inexplicable."
The government's Incident Response Group and cabinet have had "daily" discussions about potential use of the Emergencies Act, Blair said in an interview on Sunday on Rosemary Barton Live.
A cabinet meeting was added to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's itinerary late Sunday, and CBC News has learned that a meeting with the prime minister and premiers has been called for Monday morning.
'Freedom Convoys' gain support in U.S., as truckers protest in Canada hits standoff
Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Feb. 10, 2022, LA Times
It began as a ragtag team of Canadian truckers shouting about their disdain for vaccine mandates and the politicians upholding them. They stood shoulder-to-shoulder in below-freezing temperatures, waving Canada's flag and using their semis to block bridges and thoroughfares.
Now, nearly two weeks after Canadian truckers began the blockades that shuttered portions of Ottawa, the country's capital, the patchwork movement orchestrated largely on social media and in online chat groups is expanding globally.
Israeli 'Freedom Convoy' Blocks Main Highway in Protest of COVID Measures
Ran Shimoni, Haaretz,Feb. 14, 2022
Dozens of cars briefly blocked a main highway in Israel for a short while on Monday in protest of coronavirus regulations, causing heavy traffic at the entrance to Jerusalem.
Based off of a similar protest movement in Canada, the convoy of anti-vaccine activists aimed to reach the Knesset, and hung signs on their cars reading "liberty," "new world order," "no more restrictions, going back to normal," "cancel the mask mandate" and "a free nation in our country," among other slogans.
Ontario declares state of emergency in response to convoy protests
Adam Carter · CBC News - Feb. 11, 2022
Ontario is declaring a state of emergency in response to convoy protests against public health measures meant to curb the spread of COVID-19, which have caused major disruptions in multiple areas of the province in recent weeks.
Premier Doug Ford made the announcement Friday morning while protest blockades continue to shut down parts of Ottawa's city core and portions of Windsor's Ambassador Bridge.
Meanwhile, more protests are expected at Queen's Park in downtown Toronto, forcing police to close off several roads in the surrounding area.
Pfizer expects $54 billion in 2022 sales on Covid vaccine and treatment pill
Feb 8 2022, NBC, Spencer Kimball
Pfizer projects it will generate record-high revenue in 2022, saying Tuesday it expects to sell $32 billion of its Covid-19 shots and $22 billion of its antiviral coronavirus treatment pill Paxlovid this year.
However, the company posted mixed fourth-quarter results, beating on earnings but missing on revenue. Pfizer's stock was down more than 5.7% in morning trading.
Manitoba ending all COVID-19 restrictions by March 15
Charles Lefebvre, CTV, Feb. 11, 2022
Manitoba has announced it is speeding up the relaxing of public health orders in the province, with a plan to have all orders in the province, including proof of vaccination requirements and the mask mandate, removed by March 15.
Premier Heather Stefanson and Dr. Brent Roussin made the announcement Friday morning, noting the first stage of lifting restrictions will take place on Feb. 15.
Calling the last two years "challenging," Stefanson said the province is "offering hope" to Manitobans waiting a long time for an end to pandemic restrictions.
"Manitobans have put their lives on hold, and it's time that we give them their lives back," she said.
Alberta lifts COVID-19 measures, with restrictions exemption program ending midnight Tuesday
CBC News · Posted: Feb 08, 2022
Albertans will no longer need to show their QR code to dine in restaurants or sit at entertainment venues. The changes took effect at midnight Tuesday.
Premier Jason Kenney announced the three-step plan to ease public health measures in the province on Tuesday. As he'd previously promised, the restrictions exemption program - Alberta's version of the vaccine passport - was first to go.
'This is a big change': Quebec to lift COVID-19 restrictions for restaurants, home gatherings, bars
CTV News, Tuesday, February 8, 2022
The Quebec government has announced a plan for getting out of the current lockdown and for how to "learn to live with COVID" over the longer term. It intends to lift nearly all public health restrictions by mid-March.
Premier François Legault said several measures will be lifted as early as Saturday, including those imposed on restaurants and private home gatherings.
New York will lift its indoor mask mandate for businesses
Daily Mail,
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul will drop the state's strict indoor mask mandate on Wednesday as coronavirus cases continue to fall in New York and across the nation.
The mask mandate, which sparked heated debate throughout the state, required businesses to ask customers for proof of full vaccination or require mask-wearing indoors at all times.
The mandate was supposed to be under review come its expiration on Thursday, but people briefed on the matter told The New York Times that Hochul will let the mandate lapse as other Democratic-led states like New Jersey, California, Connecticut, Delaware and Oregon have announced an end to similar mandates.
Ottawa mayor declares state of emergency to deal with trucking blockade
Reuters, Lars Hagberg, Feb 06, 2022
OTTAWA - Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson on Sunday declared a state of emergency to help deal with an unprecedented 10-day occupation by protesting truckers that has shut down much of the core of the Canadian capital.
"(This) reflects the serious danger and threat to the safety and security of residents posed by the ongoing demonstrations and highlights the need for support from other jurisdictions and levels of government," he said in a statement.
Watson, who complained earlier in the day that the demonstrators outnumbered police and controlled the situation, did not give details of what measures he might impose.
Josh Freed: Florida feels like another planet compared with Quebec
Josh Freed, Montreal Gazette, Jan 22, 2022
While Quebec is in full confinement mode, Florida is Cowboyland, where you barely know COVID is happening, despite much higher new case and hospitalization rates than ours .
It's lunacy by Canadian standards, but an eye-opening experience. For starters, everyone's out and about, filling bars, restaurants, movies, gyms, and jam-packed sports arenas.
Stores and supermarkets don't require masks but some cashiers and customers wear them, though often under their nose or chin - Florida-style. It seems a way of announcing: "Look - I'm masked!" when they're not.
Most COVID-19 hospitalizations in provinces are among the vaccinated: Here's why
Nearly 80 per cent of the Canadian population is vaccinated with at least two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. But with studies pointing to the protective benefits of these vaccines, it may be puzzling to see that the majority of virus-related hospitalizations in most provinces involve people who are fully vaccinated against the disease.
...A recent study conducted in Ontario looked at the effectiveness of two and three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine against Delta and Omicron among about 20,000 patients in December. Results showed that six months after receiving two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, little protection remained against symptomatic illness from the Omicron variant.
Trucker convoy: Ottawa 'under siege' amid 'nation-wide insurrection,' officials say
Amanda Connolly, Global News, February 5, 2022
The nation's capital is a city "under siege" by the trucker convoy that has dug in over the past nine days amid what the chair of the police services board called a "nation-wide insurrection."
"We are on day eight of this occupation. Our city is under siege. This group is emboldened by the lack of enforcement by every level of government," said Diane Deans, chair of the board.
"This group is a threat to our democracy. What we're seeing is bigger than just a City of Ottawa problem. This is a nation-wide insurrection. This is madness. We need a concrete plan to put an end to this."
'80% of serious COVID cases are fully vaccinated' says Ichilov hospital director
Israel National News, 03.02.22
Are Israeli hospitals really overloaded with unvaccinated COVID patients? According to Prof. Yaakov Jerris, director of Ichilov Hospital's coronavirus ward, the situation is completely opposite.
"Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated," Jerris told Channel 13 News. "They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated."
70 Per Cent of Americans Say It's Time to 'Accept COVID and Get On With Our Lives'
Summit News, 2 February, 2022, Paul Joseph Watson
A new Monmouth poll finds that 70 per cent of Americans think it's time to live with COVID and get on with our lives.
Rather interestingly, people who have been infected with COVID are more likely to want society to move on from it than those who haven't.
"Fully 7 in 10 Americans (70%) agree with the sentiment that "it's time we accept that Covid is here to stay and we just need to get on with our lives" - including 78% of those who report having gotten Covid and 65% of those who say they have not been infected," according to Monmouth.
Freedom Convoy finds new crowdfunding platform & crashes it
RT, February 5, 2022
A website hosting a new fundraising effort to support truck drivers protesting vaccine mandates in Canada is experiencing major technical difficulties, with a wave of traffic crashing the platform after GoFundMe canceled a prior campaign that garnered millions of dollars.
Shortly after GoFundMe gave the boot to the 'Freedom Convoy 2022' campaign on Friday afternoon, organizers made another attempt on Christian crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo, raising more than $150,000 in just a matter of hours. A spike in visitors has caused problems for the website, however.
COVID rebellion brews in Canada, sending warning across globe
Derek Decloet and Brian Platt - Bloomberg News (TNS) Feb 4, 2022
Canadians have done as they were told during the pandemic. They lined up for shots until the country had one of the developed world's best vaccination rates; they endured some of North America's longest lockdowns; and they've complied with a wide assortment of curfews and quarantines.
But even in a society known for its civility and deference to authority, many are reaching their limit.
Pent-up frustration and rage have burst into the downtown core of the nation's capital, with hundreds of truckers and other protesters occupying Ottawa's streets for nearly a week to oppose vaccine mandates. The group has been championed on Fox News and by Joe Rogan, Elon Musk and Donald Trump. Demonstrators have built makeshift shelters and collecting propane tanks, vowing to stay until vaccine mandates are lifted.
'We're looking at a restriction-free Manitoba by spring': Province taking first step to completely remove restrictions
CTV, February 3, 2022
The Manitoba government is taking a "cautious" step toward reducing public health orders in the province with the goal of having no restrictions by the spring.
Dr. Brent Roussin, the chief provincial public health officer, and Premier Heather Stefanson announced new orders are scheduled to come into effect on Feb. 8 and will be in place until Feb. 22.
Officials said the changes are being made because the COVID-19 situation is stabilizing or improving.
Alberta, Saskatchewan take lead signalling end to COVID-19 restrictions
The Canadian Press, February 4, 2022
Alberta and Saskatchewan have taken the lead among provinces and territories in signalling their intentions to soon remove most, if not all, remaining COVID-19 public health restrictions.
Premier Jason Kenney says his government will announce next week a date to end Alberta's COVID-19 vaccine passport, as well as a phased approach to ending almost all COVID-19 health restrictions by the end of the month, provided the pressure on hospitals continues to decline.
Meanwhile in Saskatchewan where COVID-19 related hospitalizations are at their highest level since the pandemic began, Premier Scott Moe says he's committed to ending all COVID-19 restrictions soon.
Natural immunity for the win yet again
Alex Berenson, February 3, 2022
Researchers find people who have recovered from Covid have similar spike protein antibody levels whether they were infected 20 days or 20 months ago.
A new report in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds more good news for unvaccinated people who have already had and recovered from Covid.
Anti-spike protein antibodies following Covid infection and recovery seem to persist indefinitely in unvaccinated people, researchers found. People tested 20 months after coronavirus infection had slightly higher levels of antibodies on average than those just after infection.
The key chart: the flat yellow line shows that people with natural immunity seem to have the same level of antibodies no matter when they were infected.
Sweden to lift nearly all Covid-19 restrictions next week
Becky Waterton, The Local, February 3, 2022
The Swedish government announced plans to remove the majority of restrictions against Covid-19 on February 9th in a press conference on Thursday morning.
Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, Health Minister Lena Hallengren and the Director General of the Public Health Agency, Karin Tegmark Wisell, announced that almost all restrictions will be removed on February 9th, and that those working from home should prepare to return to work.
Speech Therapist: 364% Surge in Baby and Toddler Referrals Thanks to Mask Wearing
27 January, 2022, Summit News, Paul Joseph Watson
A speech therapist says that mask wearing during the pandemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers.
Jaclyn Theek told WPBF News that before the pandemic, only 5 per cent of patients were babies and toddlers, but this has soared to 20 per cent.
Parents are describing their children's speech problems as "COVID delayed," with face coverings the primary cause of their speaking skills being seriously impaired.
As young as 8 months old, babies start learning how to speak by reading lips, a thankless task if parents and carers smother themselves with masks to comply with mandates.
Unvaxxed will be escorted through stores in Quebec to ensure they buy only 'essential,' gov't-approved items
Kennedy Hall, LifeSite, Wed Jan 26, 2022 - 4:10 pm EST
QUEBEC CITY (LifeSiteNews) - The Quebec government is coming down harder on citizens who have not taken an experimental COVID jab, restricting them in big box stores to purchase only "essential" goods.
Shoppers who refuse to show their vaccine passports when entering a large retail location will only be allowed to enter the premises if they agree to be accompanied by an employee who will ensure that they do not purchase anything not approved for unvaccinated consumers by the government.
Truckers in Canada explain the Freedom Convoy: 'Give people their freedom back'
Jon Michael Raasch | Fox News, February 3, 2022
OTTAWA, Ontario - Truckers at the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa said they will stay put until they are confident the Canadian government will roll back federal vaccine and mask mandates.
The convoy began Jan. 23 and culminated with hundreds of thousands of demonstrators arriving in Ottawa, Canada's capital, on Jan. 29 to protest the mandates. Many truckers were have remained parked in the same places since the weekend in below freezing temperatures, honking their horns and revving their engines.
"We're all brothers in this together, and we're here for one cause, and that's the fight for the freedoms of Canadians and for Canada itself," one trucker, Andrew, told Fox News.
Jonas Herby, John Hopkins Institute, January, 2022
An analysis the conclusion that lockdowns have had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality. . ...Conclusions: Overall, our meta-analysis fails to confirm that lockdowns have had a large, significant effect on mortality rates....Overall, we conclude that lockdowns are not an effective way of reducing mortality rates during a pandemic, at least not during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results are in line with the World Health Organization Writing Group (2006)...The evidence fails to confirm that lockdowns have a significant effect in reducing COVID-19 mortality. The effect is little to none.
France begins to ease Covid curbs, including wearing masks outdoors
France 24, February 2, 2022
France began lifting coronavirus restrictions including mandatory outdoor mask-wearing Wednesday in a bid to ease citizens' daily lives, dividing opinion as the country only last month reported record Covid-19 infections. Audience capacity limits for concert halls, sporting matches and other events were also removed, and although home-working will no longer be mandated it is still recommended.
The move begins a two-part relaxation of curbs announced at the end of January -- despite the country hitting record levels of daily cases last month -- and comes as England and Denmark also eased their restrictions.
Natural Immunity Lasts for at Least 18 Months: Study
Zachary Stieber, Epoch Times, February 1, 2022
The protection people experience after recovering from COVID-19, known widely as natural immunity, lasts for at least 18 months, according to a recently published study.
Researchers in Italy analyzed the level of antibodies in 36 patients who were documented as contracting COVID-19 in March 2020.
"At 18 months, 97% participants tested positive for anti-NCP, hinting towards the persistence of infection-induced immunity even for the vaccinated individuals," researchers wrote.
Tucker Carlson: There's no more fearful despot than Canada's Prime Minister
Tucker Carlson, Fox News, January 31, 2022
Do you ever notice how almost all of the leaders of almost all the countries in the Western world, particularly in the English-speaking Western world, seem kind of the same? They're what we call neoliberal. They're all weak and fearful, if you think about it. And yet if you listen to them talk, you'd think they were omnipotent.
...Now, mostly they're puny people. But when they speak, they sound like Caesar standing in purple robes in the forum, commanding the known world.
Protestors Gather in Front of Australian Parliament in Solidarity With Truck Convoy to Ottawa
By Daniel Y. Teng, Epoch Times, January 31, 2022
Hundreds of protestors have gathered in front of Australia's Parliament House in solidarity with the massive Convoy to Ottawa that converged on the Canadian capital around the weekend of Jan. 29.
Calls for a similar movement have been echoing Down Under for days, and on Jan. 31, a crowd organised under a "Convoy to Canberra" campaign gathered in front of the national legislature, according to videos circulating on social media.
The crowd can be heard chanting, "What do you want? Freedom! When do we want it? Now!"
Nova Scotia outlaws support on highway for 'freedom' truckers days after massive protest
Fox News, Emma Colton, January 30, 2022
The Canadian province of Nova Scotia made it illegal for people to gather along a highway ahead of the "Freedom Convoy" of truckers that made their way across the country in protest of vaccine mandates.
The local government issued "a directive under the Emergency Management Act prohibiting protesters from blockading Highway 104 near the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick border."
The directive specifically states supporters of the Freedom Convoy and another protest, the Atlantic Hold the Line event, can't gather along Highway 104, on the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick border. The directive states that "allowing people to gather in those areas would put themselves and others at risk."
Living by the Code: In China, Covid-Era Controls May Outlast the Virus
DNYUZ News, January 30, 2022
The police had warned Xie Yang, a human rights lawyer, not to go to Shanghai to visit the mother of a dissident. He went to the airport anyway.
His phone's health code app - a digital pass indicating possible exposure to the coronavirus - was green, which meant he could travel. His home city, Changsha, had no Covid-19 cases, and he had not left in weeks.
Then his app turned red, flagging him as high risk. Airport security tried to put him in quarantine, but he resisted. Mr. Xie accused the authorities of meddling with his health code to bar him from traveling.
"The Chinese Communist Party has found the best model for controlling people," he said in a telephone interview in December. This month, the police detained Mr. Xie, a government critic, accusing him of inciting subversion and provoking trouble.
Trudeau Moved to Secret Location as Vax Protest Grows
Corbin Bolies, Daily Beast, Jan. 29, 2022
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family were moved from their residence to a secret location on Saturday due to the security risk posed by growing anti-vax protests in the capitol of Ottawa, CBC reports. Protestors initially descended on the streets Saturday to push back against the country's vaccination mandate for long-haul truck drivers, many of whom operate across the U.S.-Canadian border. However, it has since turned into a massive-though currently peaceful-protest against a variety of public health measures. Many truckers and other protesters have flooded the parliamentary precinct. Trudeau is currently in isolation after one of his children tested positive for COVID.
Majority (54%) now say they want all restrictions to end - increase of 15-points since early January
Angus Reid Institute, January 31, 2022
If Omicron cases have indeed ebbed, it has many Canadians asking what is next. Vigilance is the request from public health officials - though plans for vaccination proof have begun to diverge, with some provinces removing requirements and restrictions. The public sentiment appears to be moving in the direction of opening up communities. Indeed, in the past two weeks the number of Canadians saying they would like to see restrictions ended has risen by 15 percentage points, to a majority (54%):
'F-k Trudeau' 'Freedom Convoy' descends upon capital to protest Canada's vax mandates
New York Post, January 29, 2022
A convoy of Canadian truckers and their supporters rolled into the nation's capital city of Ottawa Saturday to protest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
The so-called "Freedom Convoy" started as a protest against a vaccine requirement for cross-border truckers, but grew into a mass demonstration against the Canadian government over other coronavirus regulations. ...By the end of the day, about 2,700 trucks were expected, a federal government source told Reuters.
The protests have drawn support from some Conservative lawmakers who oppose vaccine mandates in both the US and Canada and others including Tesla founder Elon Musk and Donald Trump Jr.
With Trudeau In Hiding, CBC Suggests Putin Behind Truckers' Freedom Convoy
Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, Saturday, Jan 29, 2022
Update (1500ET): While in a normal world this would be beyond satire and ridicule, it is perhaps of no surprise whatsoever that the blame for instigation of the "Freedom Convoy" is already being placed on so-called 'Russian actors'...
[CBC]..."...given Canada's support of Ukraine... I don't know it it's far-fetched to ask but there is concern that Russian actors could be continuing to fuel things as this protest grows... perhaps even instigating it..."
As Brian Lilley writes at The Toronto Sun, "the media in this country is not acting as a neutral observer and conduit for news on this matter, most have decided the trucker convoy is the enemy and are treating it as such."
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau silent today as thousands join truckers' protest in Ottawa
National Post Staff,Jan 29, 2022
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not comment Saturday on the Freedom Convoy 2022 demonstration in Ottawa as thousands of people and hundreds of trucks descended on Parliament Hill in numbers so large police closed the city core to traffic. ...CBC reported Saturday morning that Trudeau and family were relocated from their home at Rideau Cottage to an undisclosed location for their safety. ...However, after he was relocated, Trudeau remained active on Twitter.
Why the double-vaccinated in some places are testing positive for COVID more often than the unvaccinated
Tom Blackwell, National Post,Jan 27, 2022
As one infectious-disease specialist said, the trend is "curious." In at least three provinces lately, Canadians who are double-vaccinated have been more likely to test positive for COVID than the unvaccinated, a fact that has been seized on by anti-vaccination activists as supposed evidence the shots don't work.
On Monday in Alberta , for instance, 89 in 100,000 people who had received two doses of vaccine tested positive for the coronavirus, compared to 68 in 100,000 of those who have so far avoided vaccination.
Trucker convoy leaves Kingston heading for weekend rally in Ottawa
Canadian Press, Jan 28, 2022
OTTAWA - The first trucks in a massive convoy organized to protest the federal government's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for cross-border big-rig drivers have left Kingston, Ont., and are on their way to the Ottawa area.
Kingston police announced on Twitter that the last vehicles in the convoy had departed the city around 9:30 a.m. Friday, putting its likely arrival in the capital at around noon.
The convoy has been gaining participants and supporters as it rolls across the country from all directions for a weekend rally.
Sweden opts against vaccinating all children aged 5-11
Medicalxpress, January 27, 2022
Sweden's health authority said Thursday that it would not recommend COVID-19 vaccinations for all children aged five to 11, the country again choosing a different coronavirus policy than much of Europe.
The Scandinavian country, which controversially opted against any form of lockdown or school closures during the pandemic's early days, recommended jabs only for children who were at risk.
"The vaccines are safe, there are very good vaccines but we are now focusing on the medical benefits of the individual child and we don't see that the benefits are great enough for us to recommend for the whole group," Britta Bjorklund of the Public Health Agency said.
Denmark to End Most COVID Restrictions and 'Welcome the Life We Knew Before
Heather Bair, MSN, January 26, 2022
Denmark Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced on January 26 Denmark would be throwing out most of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions it placed, including mask mandates.
Restrictions currently in place are for the public to wear masks on public transportations, in restaurants, in shops, and people entering healthcare facilities and retirement homes, according to the Associated Press. However, following the February 1 change of restrictions, masks will only be required in hospitals, healthcare facilities and homes for the elderly.
"We say goodbye to the restrictions and welcome the life we knew before," Frederiksen said. "As of Feb. 1, Denmark will be open."
COVID-19 will continue but the end of the pandemic is near
Christopher J L Murray, The Lancet, Janaury 19, 2022
The omicron wave appears to crest in 3-5 weeks after the exponential increase in reported cases begins.1, 2 As of Jan 17, 2022, omicron waves were peaking in 25 countries in five WHO regions and in 19 states in the USA.2 It is expected that the omicron peak will occur in most countries between now and the second week of February, 2022.
... In the era of omicron, I believe that COVID-19 control strategies need to be reset. Go to Article
Oppressive COVID Measures for the Unvaccinated Were Based on 'Software' Error, Claims German Minister.
Wahagen Khabayan, The National Pulse, January 24, 2022
The "pandemic of the unvaccinated" was caused by a computer glitch. That was the conclusion of the Health Minister of Germany Karl Lauterbach, after months of vilifying the unvaccinated in the nation's second largest city, Hamburg.
...Now, an investigation from the Sueddeutscher Zeitung and Welt newspapers has found that the numbers in Hamburg's Social Services departments were drastically skewed and, in most cases, they didn't even know who was vaccinated and who was not. This, however, did not stop them classifying everyone with an unknown status as unvaccinated. Indeed, by the end of November, a whopping 70 percent of the positive cases had unknown status.
A New York judge rules that the state's mask mandate is unconstitutional and can't be enforced.
Christine Chung, NYT, Jan. 25, 2022, 10:27 a.m. ET
A New York State judge ruled on Monday that the state's mask mandate had been enacted unlawfully and is now void, according to court documents.
Gov. Kathy Hochul had renewed a rule requiring masks or proof of vaccination at all indoor public places throughout the state in December, amid a winter virus surge, and said it would last a month. The state Health Department then extended the mandate an additional two weeks, to expire on Feb. 1.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Apologizes for Referencing Anne Frank in Wild Anti-Vax Speech
MSNBC, January 25, 2022
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is saying he's sorry for invoking Anne Frank and the Holocaust in the off-the-rails speech he gave at an anti-vaccine mandate rally over the weekend.
"I apologize for my reference to Anne Frank, especially to families that suffered the Holocaust horrors," Kennedy announced Tuesday on Twitter. "My intention was to use examples of past barbarism to show the perils from new technologies of control. To the extent my remarks caused hurt, I am truly and deeply sorry."
Kennedy drew massive outrage in recent days for his speech on Washington, where he pushed an amalgamation of conspiracy theories that vaccines and mandates are part of Bill Gates' plot to use satellites and 5G cell phone technology to subjugate humanity under totalitarian control. Kennedy drew the most condemnation, however, when he compared vaccine mandate opponents to Jews who hid from the Nazis during the Holocaust.
WHO Chief Says Europe Moving Towards Pandemic "Endgame"
24 January, 2022, Summit News, Paul Joseph Watson
Hans Kluge, the World Health Organization's Europe director, says the continent is moving towards an "endgame" scenario, in another sign that Omicron heralds the beginning of the end of the pandemic.
Despite record cases being recorded in multiple different countries, Kluge told AFP that the milder nature of Omicron means COVID-19 could finally be on the path towards becoming endemic.
"It's plausible that the region is moving towards a kind of pandemic endgame," said Kluge.
"There will be for quite some weeks and months a global immunity, either thanks to the vaccine or because people have immunity due to the infection, and also lowering seasonality," he added.
Boris Johnson announcement: Covid vaccine passports axed as plan B restrictions set to be lifted
Lorraine King, Cambridge News, 19 JAN 2022
The Government has announced it will axe the use of mandatory Covid vaccine passports in England as plan B restrictions are set to lift next week.
Speaking in Parliament today, Boris Johnson outlined the next steps for living with coronavirus, saying plan B measures, brought in to control the spread of Omicron, will be allowed to expire on March 24, and that this date could be brought forward.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced England will return to Plan A after claiming "our scientists believe it is likely that the Omicron wave has now peaked nationally".
WHO Chief Scientist Dr Swaminathan: "...there's no evidence right now that healthy children, or healthy adolescents, need boosters. No evidence at all."
Samantha Taylor, The Blaze, January 19, 2022
Dr. Soumya Swaminathan - the World Health Organization's chief scientist - says that there is zero evidence to support the idea that otherwise healthy children and adolescents need a booster shot of a COVID-19 vaccine.
What are the details?
During a Tuesday media briefing, Swaminathan said that while she believes there is a certain degree that vaccine immunity wanes amid the Omicron spike, more research needs to be conducted around who actually needs booster shots, Reuters reported.
Dutch artists protest covid lockdown of cultural venues by hosting haircuts at shut-down museums
Amy Cheng, Washington Post, January 20, 2022
Some of the Netherland's most celebrated museums, concert halls and art centers opened their doors Wednesday to host hairdressers, nail artists and fitness instructors, in playful protest against what they see as inconsistencies in the country's coronavirus protocols.
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said last week that businesses such as beauty salons and fitness centers would be allowed to resume operations after a strict lockdown that was imposed in mid-December. But cultural venues such as theaters and galleries would remain shut for at least another week, he said.
Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against Omicron or Delta infection
Background The incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection, including among those who have received 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccines, has increased substantially since Omicron was first identified in the province of Ontario, Canada.
Results ...In contrast, receipt of 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccines was not protective against Omicron. Vaccine effectiveness against Omicron was 37% (95%CI, 19-50%) ≥7 days after receiving an mRNA vaccine for the third dose.
Conclusions Two doses of COVID-19 vaccines are unlikely to protect against infection by Omicron. A third dose provides some protection in the immediate term, but substantially less than against Delta. Our results may be confounded by behaviours that we were unable to account for in our analyses. Further research is needed to examine protection against severe outcomes.
The C.D.C. concedes that cloth masks do not protect against the virus as effectively as other masks.
Apoorva Mandavilli, NYT, Jan. 14, 2022Updated Jan. 15, 2022
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday clarified its stance on various kinds of masks, acknowledging that the cloth masks frequently worn by Americans do not offer as much protection as surgical masks or respirators.
While this disparity is widely known to the general public, the update marks the first time the C.D.C. has explicitly addressed the differences. The agency's website also no longer refers to a shortage of respirators.
Denial of Natural Immunity in CMS Vaccine Mandate 'Unprecedented in Modern History': Scott Atlas
Allen Zhong and Jan Jekielek, The Epoch Times, January 14, 2022
Denying natural immunity in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) vaccine mandates is "unprecedented in modern history," a prominent public health expert said.
Dr. Scott Atlas, a former White House COVID-19 Task Force adviser during the Trump administration, made the remarks after the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decide to uphold the CMS vaccine mandates in a Thursday ruling.
He told The Epoch Times that the ruling is "another serious denial of scientific fact" specifically mentioning the denial of natural immunity in CMS vaccine mandates.
'Open the damn country back up': Jordan Peterson calls on Canadians to have 'courage' in fight against lockdowns
Anthony Murdoch, LifeSite, Wed Jan 12, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) - Popular Canadian psychologist and cultural analyst Jordan Peterson called upon his fellow countrymen to have "some courage" to fight back against COVID lockdowns and demand that Canada "open up."
"Enough, Canadians. Enough, Canadian politicos. Enough masks. Enough social gathering limitations. Enough restaurant closures. Enough undermining of social trust. Make the bloody vaccines available to those who want them," wrote Peterson in a January 10 opinion piece published in the National Post. "Set a date. Open the damn country back up, before we wreck something we can't fix. Time for some courage. Let's live again."
Covid infections and deaths SOAR after the first vaccine dose Stunning figures from Canada show a huge spike in cases after vaccinations
Alex Berenson, January 14, 2022
The Covid vaccines look worse and worse.
A reader has pointed out an amazing dataset from the province of Alberta, Canada which reports Covid cases, hospitalizations, and deaths by day after the first and second vaccine doses.
Infections, hospitalizations, and deaths from Covid all soar in the days and weeks after people receive their first vaccine dose. Alberta has about 4.4 million people, so this sample is not small. The vast majority of vaccines given in the province are the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, though about 10 percent are the DNA/AAV vaccines, mostly from AstraZeneca, which is not used in the United States.
The figures further support the national-level data from Israel and Britain, which last year saw Covid deaths hit all-time highs just after they began mass vaccination campaigns.
More Children Die From the COVID Shot Than From COVID
By Joseph Mercola,, January 8, 2022
Collette Martin, a practicing nurse who testified before a Louisiana Health and Welfare Committee hearing December 6, 2021. Martin claims she and her colleagues have witnessed "terrifying" reactions to the COVID shots among children - including blood clots, heart attacks, encephalopathy and arrhythmias - yet their concerns are simply dismissed.
Among elderly patients, she's noticed an uptick in falls and acute onset of confusion "without any known etiology." Coworkers are also experiencing side effects, such as vision and cardiovascular problems.
Martin points out that few doctors or nurses are aware the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) even exists, so injury reports are not being filed. Hospitals also are not gathering data on COVID jab injuries in any other ways, so there's no data to investigate even if you wanted to.
Rep. Warren Davidson becomes the latest GOP lawmaker to compare COVID-19 policies to Nazi Germany
Bill Bostock, Business Insider, January 13, 2022
A Republican Party congressman has compared mask and vaccine mandates to Nazi Germany, the latest in a growing number of politicians around the world to do so.
Rep. Warren Davidson of Ohio tweeted a picture of a Nazi health document called a "gesundheitspass" on Wednesday, saying the "Nazis dehumanized Jewish people before segregating them."
Davidson posted the image in response to a tweet from Mayor Muriel Bowser of Washington, DC, reminding people they would need to show proof of vaccination and wear masks to enter some city venues from January 15.
Quebec judge suspends unvaccinated man's visitation rights with child
The Canadian Press · Posted: Jan 12, 2022
A Quebec Superior Court judge has temporarily suspended a father's right to see his child based on evidence that the man is not vaccinated against COVID-19 and appears to oppose government anti-pandemic health measures.
In a decision published Dec. 23, Justice J. Sébastien Vaillancourt wrote that continued visitation was not in the interest of the 12-year-old child or the child's two younger half-siblings, given the state of the pandemic.
The decision states the man told the court that despite his "reservations" surrounding vaccination, he followed the rules in place and rarely left home.
However, Vaillancourt wrote that posts on the father's Facebook page suggested he was a conspiracy theorist, which led the court to doubt he was following health rules as he claimed.
Professor Ehud Qimron: "Ministry of Health, it's time to admit failure"
Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University Published: January 10, 2022
Ministry of Health, it's time to admit failure
In the end, the truth will always be revealed, and the truth about the coronavirus policy is beginning to be revealed. When the destructive concepts collapse one by one, there is nothing left but to tell the experts who led the management of the pandemic - we told you so.
Quebec to force unvaccinated to pay 'significant' financial penalty
The Canadian Press, Jan 11, 2022
MONTREAL - Adult Quebecers who refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19 will be forced to pay a "significant" financial penalty, Premier Francois Legault said Tuesday, one day after the sudden resignation of the province's public health director.
The penalty would be the first of its kind in Canada and would apply to unvaccinated residents who don't have a medical exemption, Legault told reporters in Montreal. The "health contribution" is necessary, he said, because about 10 per cent of adult Quebecers aren't vaccinated, but they represent about half of all patients in intensive care