Legal Referral List
Legal Referral List
During this time we are recieving an unprecedented amount of contact from people looking for a qualified legal representative. We are always looking for more lawyers and paralegals to add to our list. If you have had an experience with a competent and qualified legal representative please let us know about them by emailing us at:
B.A. & J.D.
Barrister & Solicitor
T: 647 949 0269
Markham Law Chambers
169 Enterprise Blvd., Suite 302
Markham, Ontario L6G 0E7
Nirmala Armstrong
Family LawIncluding Legal Aid
Nirmala Armstrong Law Office
Phone: 1 905 201 7322
Fax: 1 905 367 7243
Business Address
Markham Law Chambers
169 Enterprise Blvd., Suite 302 Markham, Ontario, L6G 0E7
Antoine d’Ailly
Law Office of Antoine d'Ailly
Phone: 1 519 962 8682
Fax: 1 519 286 0287
Business Address
606 Devonshire Rd, Suite 1A
Windsor, Ontario
N8Y 2L8
Shruti Batt
NON Union employment law
Haber & Associates Lawyers Professional Corporation Business email:
302-3370 South Service Rd
Burlington, Ontario
L7N 3M6
Phone: 289.719.1806
"An employer’s onus to “implement, establish and enforce” a “COVID-19 Vaccination Policy” does not mean that vaccination is mandatory for employees. Vaccination cannot be made mandatory for employment without accommodation, reasonable alternatives, exemptions, and other considerations"
"Directives are not “COVID-19 Vaccination Policies”, but instead are requiring a business or employer to “establish, implement, and ensure compliance” with a “COVID-19 Vaccination Policy”. The CMOH may provide options for the types of requirements an employer may implement/adopt in their “COVID-19 Vaccination Policy”; however, the employer still has the option to choose from the options listed therein the Directive."
"Currently, it is uncertain as to the “advice, recommendations and instructions” of the CMOH as it pertains to private businesses and “COVID-19 Vaccination Policies”. As such, it is important to be aware of any Orders issued by the CMOH or any Directives of the CMOH. In addition, Medical Officers of Health (MOH) may also issue Orders or Directives if they have been in consultation with the CMOH. As such, being informed of your local Public Health Unit’s Orders or Directives will be important."
"If you are an employee, you may want to ask your employer about what their “COVID-19
Vaccination Policy” will be in clear and unequivocal terms. If you are an employer, be
aware of whether it is an Order or Directive and what is truly required of you. It is
important to note employment law standards vary depending on Union representation
and other factors including applicable legislation, private versus public sector, etc."
"Is a “COVID-19 Vaccination Policy” mandatory? Under the Ontario Regulation 364/20, a “COVID-19 Vaccination Policy” is not mandatory. However, once the CMOH or MOH directs or orders your business to implement and enforce a “COVID-19 Vaccination Policy” then it may be mandatory. That being said, there
are still opportunities to refute and appeal an Order, if it is made under the HPPA, as mentioned above, Directives do not have clear appeal processes, if any. As such, if you are directed or ordered to implement and enforce a “COVID-19 Vaccination Policy” you may want to seek legal advice to know your options, or seek clarification as to the expectations."
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