First Responder On Side & Essential Worker Legal Action Lawsuit
For police officers, the first serious shot across the bow came when the government asked police officers to randomly stop citizens without cause during the lockdown. Officers were also being asked to arrest or detain forcibly individuals who will not wear a mask in stores despite by-law exemptions. If these examples and many others resonate, you are a police officers who has been in conflict during this health intervention to balance your orders with your obligation to uphold the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as per your oath of office in Ontario Regulation 144/91 of the Police Services Act.
The leadership within our governments have chosen to no longer be accountable to those they serve. Our rights have been stripped from us one at a time. The most recent attack against our population resulted in a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code. Police officers across the globe are reporting the same violations against their people. These international investigators are also reporting crimes against humanity with children being removed from their parents and healthy people locked into isolation. The Canadian government in conjunction with the provincial health agencies are preparing to do the same and police officers will be used as a blunt instrument contrary to our collective oath and moral code. We cannot sit on the sidelines and allow this to happen. We must act before it is too late.
Now the government is turning on paramedics, emergency response, nurses and other healthcare workers who are reluctant to get the jab. These individuals were hailed over the last 20 months as heroes with signs, advertising and a general outpouring of support. They have worked tirelessly under extremely stressful conditions to protect us and provide care. These same heroes are now facing bullying and scorn and have already lost their jobs or will be shortly due to their personal health choices. These illegal and immoral mandates are destroying people’s lives and now more then ever, they need to be supported.
Many police officers from across the country have been reaching out to Take Action Canada in order to validate their concerns and get involved. There is enough critical mass now that we have started a new initiative which is designed by police officers and managed by them exclusively in order to ensure a level of discretion and understanding that only peers can appreciate.
Links for 911 Resources
Notices from Take Action Canada
Notices and Toolkits from Strong and Free Canada
- Employees
- Parents
- Mask Exemptions
- Business Owners

JOIN OUR biweekly OUTREACH ZOOM CALL WITH Fire Fighter MICHAEL SPADAFORa and Social Worker brittiney smith
This Weeks meeting will be on building resiliency
We have been having great calls with Just Ask Brittney and Michael Spadafora, where we are coming together as a group to share our struggles and come up with creative solutions. The last call we had about hopelessness took on a positive, solution-focused tone, and we will continue with this problem-solving!
Sometimes we need reminders that we have to take time to care for ourselves and build up our resiliency. This looks like many different forms: caring for physical health, taking time for mental health, gaining mastery in skills, or planning for hardships and challenges that may come. In the upcoming weeks, we hope to come together and problem-solve how we can gain strength and resiliency in a time when all seems to be trying to drag us down! Hold fast, and stay strong!
If you are struggling and want to learn more about tools, techniques or emotional resources then please send in your questions to Brittney and durning the next upcoming live call in zoom Brittney will be happy to answer your questions and provide emotional support.