TTC Legal Action
"Hello everyone, Sandy Sable from Take Action Canada ( is offering to host a Zoom call for all TTC workers for this Sunday Dec. 12 @ 6:00pm est, to discuss the propose Civil Court Action led by Rocco Galati for Municipal/Provincial Essential Workers.
Sandy will be present in the Zoom call and may even be able to get JCCF Staff Lawyer Michael Alexander to come on and answer any questions.
A registration link will be generated by Take Action Canada and will be sent to me to distribute amongst our verified TTC members. There will be other TTC members part of other groups that will also be invited to the Zoom call, so it is nice to see the various TTC groups collaborating.
Once everyone receives the Registration Link, they will be required to follow the link and provide their information, so everyone on the Zoom call will be verified, for security purposes.
Feel free to share the registration link with other serious TTC members only. Do not share this link in other groups or anywhere on social media. Thank you everyone and look forward to seeing you on the Zoom for this Sunday Dec.12 @ 6:00pm. Please register as soon as possible, so there is now delay."
To Register for the Zoom call please fill out the form below.
TTC Legal Action
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