Dealing with Police and By-Law Tickets and Fines
Dealing with Police and By-Law Tickets and Fines
Have you or someone you know received a ticket, or “notice of offence” for doing something that you should have every right to do? Are you aware that most of the tickets that are being issued have no legal jurisdiction because they are being issued based on emergency orders imposed by the government?
Most importantly, the police and by-law officers are in conflict because these notices place them all in breach of their oath. This has become such a serious issue to many in the police services that a group of current and retired officers have launched a law suit against the province due to the fact that enforcing the rules requires officers to breach their oath to uphold the constitution. Additionally, they are seeking a declaration that the lockdowns and stay at home orders are a form of martial law. Lastly, they are seeking a declaration that all restrictions on interprovincial travel violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and therefore also compel officers to breach their oath.
This law suit supports the thousands of officers across the province who feel the same way but are afraid to speak up due to the threat of reprisals.
Unfortunately, there are still thousands of police and by-law officers who don’t care about the conflict with their oath and are simply “just doing their jobs”.
At Take Action Canada, we have devised a process to put these police officers and by-law officers on notice for their behaviour. We have created offence notices (Tickets) that you can fill out and give any police officer or by law enforcement officer in the event that they are contravening your constitutional rights. If they give you a ticket…. Give them a ticket back! The goal is to remind them of their oath to society and to perhaps make them pause the next time they are told to “just follow orders”. We will pursue the fines in the hopes of collecting and the names of the officers will be published on our website for everyone to see.
These tickets can also be used for store owners who are refusing service for not wearing a mask. The by-law states that anyone with an exemption does not have to wear a mask. The by-law also states that you are not required to tell the store owner what your exemption is and they are not allowed to ask. Unfortunately, by-law officers are bullying store owners into prohibiting people from entering their store without a mask. If a store will not allow you to enter after invoking the exemption, you can give them a ticket as well. Just assert by-law 541-2020 subsection 2(a) which states the exemption and clearly states that officials cannot compel you to provide proof for your exemption.
In the event that the officer or store owner refuses to give you their name and information or walks away before you can give him or her the ticket, please complete it anyway and send a copy in to Take Action Canada.
Below is the are the Resources you will need.
- Steps and Protocols for Dealing with Police
- Public Servant Questionnaire
- Download and print the ticket to give to By-Law enforcement or Police (2 copies)
If you want you can order a book of pre Printed Tickets with NCR paper that record 2 copies. Click here to Order Now!
Click below to see the ticket